Seedling help!!!

Hey guys, just had a freind ask me to help him with something but i have no idea what im talking about and he is worried about googling things ( think he is just paranoid ).
Anyway he has 2 sweet special autos germed View attachment 2052140

these were planted just after picture was taken.

Ok so he has a 400w HPS about 3 feet away....
so the questions i need answers too are:

1) Is this too early to put under 400w hps?
2) Is the height away from light ok? ( Light is in a Cooltube) Temps are 9c at night and 26c in day

Thanks guys hope you can give me the answers ASAP .. Thanks in advance


Active Member
having them under the 400 is fine at this point, 3 feet is good even 2 would suffice, I would be careful about your 9 degrees at night though, that's a bit chilly for a tiny seeding, just keep the lights on 24 hours if you can, they will enjoy the warmth and will grow faster, just make sure they are watered regularly.