seedling in distress!


Active Member
ohhhhhh have mercy! help! shes' a hurtin!

okay so this seedling is mutated! the one starter leaf is 3 times as big as the other one and the first true leaves look weird also , she keeps laying to one side and standing back up then leaning again im scared she wont make it! whats wrong with her :( ( bagseed )


Final Phase

Well-Known Member
This little guy/girl just needs more support... Build a small mound of soil an inch or so higher around the stem. Then mould soil ring around it to hold water. Water carefully....
Plant will be fine in time...


Staff member
uhm... your seedling is fine. just put more soil there

dont make problems or see problems that arent there. youll drive yourself bat shit crazy

personal pet peeve but whats with the plastic see through container? does it have drainage? what is it?


Active Member
its a thick glass container , with no drainage. i always start my seedlings off in this but ive never seen one behaive in such a way before OR have one huge ass leaf and one small leaf!


Staff member
its just the cotyledon , i really wouldnt get paranoid

its a plant, while plants all generally look pretty similar in shape etc i mean its not uncommon to have a fat leaf here and a few "imperfections" there

youre being way over paranoid about it lol

plants are living they arent uniform in creation like something off a mechanical line


Active Member
on another note , ive always bin amazed at the rate of growth that MJ is known for! its amazing to leave the room for a few hours come back and see a total new leaf or several inches of growth!