Seedling is all stem with no leaves? (I've never seen anything like this)


New Member
Hey guys.

I've been growing for years, and have frequented the forums many times, I believe this may be my first post here. I just wanted to share something, and see if anyone else here has experienced this.

I recently germinated 6 seeds for my next medical grow, one of them I got was cracked, so I didn't have high hopes for it. After a few days of being in the soil, they had all poked up through the soil, including the cracked one. The only problem is the cracked seed appears to be missing it's leaves, as it's all stem. The stem came up grey, then turned green overnight.

I've never seen anything like this. Has anyone experienced this? If so, did the seedling survive long enough to grow?

I took a close up shot of the sprout and attached it to the thread.



Well-Known Member
I can't give any advice for the strange stem seedling, although I just had a bean come out mutated like your second picture. It was a querkle bean and the thing was growing single blade leaves for like 4 weeks. It was way out of whack. Haha. But I hope your other one survives and does well.


Well-Known Member
I agree, it could be deformed, Birth defect.
Does it have a Shoot Apical Meristem?
If it doesn't, it will never grow and Leafs.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
every seed is different; it's in the genetic make-up, and what you see is normal!!!
second round off bullshit from this guy.......its defo fucked but looks cool....cant all be winners mate now do the right thing, take her upstairs n do it in the bath loooool

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Nice to hear from you again, will continue to help you - PEACE - (your posts reflects upon on you as a person) Nice to meet you!!!

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
When I mag the OP's pic I see evidence of some sort of parasite. Sterilize soil etc with heat before you plant.

Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
I've grown the odd plant that looks like that outdoors. You often see it with deformed seeds. I call them bagseed mutants. The yield is usually poor if anything.


New Member
When I mag the OP's pic I see evidence of some sort of parasite. Sterilize soil etc with heat before you plant.
Really? What am I not seeing in the photo?

Yeah, it does not appear to be doing anything, I'm germinating a fresh seed to take it's place.

All my other seedlings came up fine, except one was missing piece of a starter leaf, so your probably right about the parasite. I'm using FFOF for soil, something must have gotten in the bag.