Seedling Issues need help (PICTURES INCLUDED)


Here are some pictures of my new seedlings. There's one master kush, one afghan, and one ak47 OR og # 18 (got mixed up while planting)
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The 1st seedling picture is the master, the second is the afghan and the third is the ak/og. I have a few questions about them. For one , I've noticed that none of them have grown in height since they were in the rockwool cubes from the first pic really, just new leaf development. Is this normal? I've also noticed purple/reddish parts on the master's (tallest one) main stock and leaf veins, also on the afghans main stock. Another issue im having is i noticed very small brownish spots on the baby leaves that have been there since they were in the rockwool only , but haven't gotten worse since then. I started them on a 250w compact flouresant and have now switched to a 250w mh. Im growing in coco coir with mykos bacteria spores under the cube i put when i transplanted them. I haven't given them any nutrients but i have been giving them xtreme gardening compost tea brew and added 1.5 ml of superthrive to 3 gal of tea after i transplanted to reduce stress hopefully. I have made a new batch of tea with no superthrive and am going to feed them later today after the tea is fully ready. I was planning on feeding them with the gh lucas formula once a week once they matured at like 3 weeks. They are a little over a week old now and I''ve noticed almost no vertical growth since the rockwool cube picture. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Especially because i have bad luck with getting any replies to my threads.:| thanks!


I'm curious to see any replies, because I'm having the same issue. Very little growth after the first week. I'm not at week two yet, but seems like there's been no progress for two or three days. I asked a friend who grows, and he said he sees the same thing with his seedlings at this time, that they're concentrating on root growth instead of vertical and leaf growth, and then just after week two, they take off. Hoping that's what's going on and that he's right. Good luck, and wish I could be more help.


Well-Known Member
Put them back under the cfl they are stressed and its easier to recover. Also feed them they are hungry and def due to nothing being in the soil.


I'm curious to see any replies, because I'm having the same issue. Very little growth after the first week. I'm not at week two yet, but seems like there's been no progress for two or three days. I asked a friend who grows, and he said he sees the same thing with his seedlings at this time, that they're concentrating on root growth instead of vertical and leaf growth, and then just after week two, they take off. Hoping that's what's going on and that he's right. Good luck, and wish I could be more help.
Has your leaves been growing at all ? soil or hydro ?


Put them back under the cfl they are stressed and its easier to recover. Also feed them they are hungry and def due to nothing being in the soil.
thanks for the help im going to move the light now but i thought most people dont recommend feeding until week 2 or 3?

Has anyone had any experience with these compost teas from xtreme and knows if they can help support a seedling in coir until week 2 or 3?


Has your leaves been growing at all ? soil or hydro ?
The leaves have been growing a little. I've been seeing new leaves emerging slowly, just not much growth of older leaves or much vertical growth for the last couple of days. Soil - FFLW, no nutes, just plain spring water.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
Super thrive is amazing stuff but it is not to be used regularly! It is very potent and should only be used on sick plants, just give your girls some time and do not over water which will only make it worse I have had a girl that had purpling it was from cold wet soil :/ roots don't like to be cold. Best thing you can do is let her dry out and see how she does from there adding nutes or anything else may not fix the problem and it is erreversible. Some times its best to not over care for your girls. Hope this helps.


Super thrive is amazing stuff but it is not to be used regularly! It is very potent and should only be used on sick plants, just give your girls some time and do not over water which will only make it worse I have had a girl that had purpling it was from cold wet soil :/ roots don't like to be cold. Best thing you can do is let her dry out and see how she does from there adding nutes or anything else may not fix the problem and it is erreversible. Some times its best to not over care for your girls. Hope this helps.
i think that could be my problem because now that i checked their soil is a little on the cold side i try not to water too much but its kinda hard to tell lol i only water when the soil is dry but maybe i put a little too much. especially now after i switched back to my cfl the soil isnt drying as fast. So basically what your saying is dont give them nutes and water in small amounts? thats all right ?


Active Member
Super thrive is amazing stuff but it is not to be used regularly! It is very potent and should only be used on sick plants, just give your girls some time and do not over water which will only make it worse I have had a girl that had purpling it was from cold wet soil :/ roots don't like to be cold. Best thing you can do is let her dry out and see how she does from there adding nutes or anything else may not fix the problem and it is erreversible. Some times its best to not over care for your girls. Hope this helps.
I am growing in coco and I appear to be having the same problem as skywalkaa. Small seedlings that don't seem to want to grow. His look much healthier though. Mine have yellowing/tan spots on their leaves.

Pics are here (

Best of luck to you skywalkaa, let us know how they're faring upon some dryng out.


Well-Known Member
Leave them under the cfl and dont water until they recover which can take up to 2 weeks.


They seem to be picking up a bit after a feeding of fresh tea and a few days on the 250w cfl. :) my only problem is now is how to minimize the purpleing stem and stock in my afghan and master. Im just going to dry and maintain the temp as best as i can until i get more information on the subject


does anyone know if i can switch back to my mh? its only a 250w and the plants seem to be much better theyr growing faster than ever im about to feed them for the first time with a 1/4 OR 1/2 Strength lucas form and work my way uyp to a full dose every week. but i have been and am going to continue watering with the compost tea and they seem to love it because i dont see anything pointing to a deficiency
yes im having the same issue also, im at the end of week one and i have seen too much growth at all. also seems as tho the plant is storing water more efficently. havent had to water for 3 days now. is it in stress? what should i do?