Seedling issues! Please assist me :)


Active Member
Hey all,
I've tried growing marijuana plenty of times, alot of them working out great. However 9 times out of 10 I bought clones or had people do up the seedlings for me. I assumed this would be the easiest section of all.

However my last few batches have gone horribly wrong, for one reason or another my last two crops had a 0 SUCCESS and 60 FAILED dead seedlings. (50 were outside and died on my own fault). My seedlings almost always germinate (when I later crack soil to check) I just cannot ever seem to get them above soil.

Do I water too much?

Before I would give it 125ml (half cup) of water every other day.

Do I use the wrong soil?
I was using 100% MG potting soil, could this have caused the burning?

I assumed these are my issues, so now I am using 25% MG 50% BMI 25% Perlite mixture. I also have no watered since friday (3 days ago).

I am using an array of CFL's, 6 daylight 2 2300k

Any help would be great, i've read COUNTLESS books/pages on this.

How long should I wait until I see sprouts? I did 1/4 no pre-germination, 1/4 papertowl germination, 1/4 cup-tp germination and 1/4 cup of water pre-germination.

Should I see green within a few days?
I have 10x WW 10x MK and 2 x UFO's
All white label.

Thanks in advance!!


Active Member
Oops, I posted this on another forum.
Sorry about that, I will check this one if anyone has input.


Well-Known Member
Throw seeds in distilled water over night, (not more the 24h or they can to wet, suffer oxygen deprivation, and rot) next morning if you see they have sunk, it means they have cracked, next is the moist paper towels, dark and worm place and placed in a VERTICAL position so the root tips will grow down (read abouth it in Marijuana Grow Bible so i tried it) and it works ;) Then you wait and when you see the root tips, pick em up carefully and plant them. Take care not to expose the tender rootleet to prolonged intense light or air aka you have to do it quick. Plant and cover germinated seeds from 1 - 2 cm deep (0.25 - 0-5 inch) with the root tip pointing down. and within a few dayz you should see sprouts. Keep your temp around 21 C ( 70F) and cover them so humidity is from 80 - 90 %, water them with destilled water for a week (if they start yellowing before that - use nutes) and after you see the second level of leafs is starting to grow, start using nutriens, 1/4 strenght solution and then you work your way up.

Happy Growing :D


Active Member
Thanks man this time around i've done more or less that; however light contamination/humidity may be off. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Don't use MG soil, time release nutes are bad for cannabis, go to you local hydro store and get some soil that was made for cannabis, or you could go soil-less and get some sunshine mix or coco peat. Also I NEVER give my seedlings anything but filtered water, my tap water is harsh, has lots of chlorine, lime and water softener (salt), which are all very bad for cannabis. Also I always use the paper towel method, sandwich some seeds in a damp paper towel, and forget about them for a couple days. Last germination, out of ten seeds, I had 11 tap roots, one was a twin so i was lucky. All in all just keep it simple, weed is harder kill than... weeds. Peace out bro!