Hey guys, new grower here trying my first grow
Currently i have: x3 CFL 6500K bubls inside a bucket as shown (fan blowing on it)
As you can see i planted the seedlings in a Jiffy pellet refill, and once they grew a little planted them in a pot; i am planning on putting them in a hempy style setup once i get some perlite (if you dont know what hempy is: https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/386008-idiots-guide-hempy.html)
Anyways... can you guys please help me identify and correct this problem?
My biggest plant:
Smaller plant:
BTW, Soil is miracle grow moisture control potting mix
Currently i have: x3 CFL 6500K bubls inside a bucket as shown (fan blowing on it)
As you can see i planted the seedlings in a Jiffy pellet refill, and once they grew a little planted them in a pot; i am planning on putting them in a hempy style setup once i get some perlite (if you dont know what hempy is: https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/386008-idiots-guide-hempy.html)
Anyways... can you guys please help me identify and correct this problem?
My biggest plant:
Smaller plant:
BTW, Soil is miracle grow moisture control potting mix