Seedling leaf edges starting to yellow a bit (need help!)


Hey guys, new grower here trying my first grow

Currently i have: x3 CFL 6500K bubls inside a bucket as shown (fan blowing on it)

As you can see i planted the seedlings in a Jiffy pellet refill, and once they grew a little planted them in a pot; i am planning on putting them in a hempy style setup once i get some perlite (if you dont know what hempy is:

Anyways... can you guys please help me identify and correct this problem?

My biggest plant:

Smaller plant:

BTW, Soil is miracle grow moisture control potting mix


Well-Known Member
I have seedlings now about 13 days old, started in MG, and the same thing happened on one of them. At this point I wouldn't worry about it. Mine cleared up and greened up in a few days. Probably just the fertz in the soil & such a baby plant. Be careful, only a few days ago, did I notice I had gnats & then I read online that this is a pretty common occurence with MG soil. I took it back to lowes today, got a full refund and have decided now to make my own mix with more varied ingredients and to never again buy MG. I wasn't worried about the fertz, but gnats, no thank you.


Yeah after reading some threads thats what my suspicion is as well; i'v also been spraying them with MG plant food... I'm going to switch to just water though.

So im guessing this is a nutrient burn?