seedling leaves drooping?


Hi all i have a problem my seedling still has its inital leaves and 2 sets of normal leaves with the third set starting to poke out now my problem is the first and second set are 004.jpgstarting to droop towards the soil i water when the soil about an inch down is still moist so i cant think of what it could be and ill get pics 005.jpgup in a few minutes.
The black pot is my WW and the other is skunk haze and the second pic is my other skunk haze but it looks algood so :S????



thanks heaps cruzer and yeh will get pics up tomorrow they are sleeping and transplanting into bigger pots in a few days so will they be alrite till then if i don't water?


Active Member
Different size pots require differnt amount of water, also the soil you used maynot allow for oxygen to be absorbed by the roots due to, too much moisture. If you transplant anytime soon try to add something that will help drainage of the soil or what ever you are using. Water drainage will help you solve the issue of watering.

Also watch out for water temp, if its to cold it will stress your plants out!


Well-Known Member
i think it might be a good idea to carefully and gently sort of break up the root ball somewhat when you transfer/transplant the first time by sort of squeezing the root ball and kind of loosen it up so its not so compact., which will be into better soil w/things like pearlite (mix 25-30% of the containers/pots size of pearlite into 75-70% soil with some sort of ph buffer like dolomite lime in it(if you cant find soil with it in it you can often find lime in the garden supplies.) If you are short on money go to as many stores as you can and check their growing stuff out, alot of it goes on discount/clearance prices around this time and you can get some really good deals on it and after they get the christmas stuff delievered into the store and get all ready to be set up the christmas displays they pack away the garden shit for the winter.). Anyway, it may seem/feel like doing something thats too stressful on the roots to be a good idea but dont worry you will do this when you do your first in-vegging transplant when its a decent size and your plant will very quickly recover the root systems that were damaged in this more medium stress transplant method and the root system will actually be much better off. right now its still way to small to do so.


Well-Known Member
i recently transplanted and washed my roots in cold water big mistake it shocked the plant and the whole upper foliage started curling down in an n shape, they werent getting sunlught, i just straightened them with my finger, apllied pressure to stem, then left it to sleep for hours, came back it was ok, i watered it with about 15ml (2week old seedling) around the stem and now its drooping? can this still be from shock or overwatered, i water very little like a cap or two full, and add a spray of organic nutes very low strenght about a 0.3-0.02-0.03 mixture i spray like 3-5ml per plant once a week


Well-Known Member
Now I see the pics, My opinion is they look fine.
The reason I said you probably over watered them is because we all love our little girls a little to much in the beginning.
Look at the size of the plant, the root system is small at this point. Once or twice a week is plenty.


Thanks heaps everyone and ok i will try your suggestions and yes i know my soil is s**t it was all i could afford any suggestions on good soil?


Well-Known Member
what kind of light are you using? get some better soil that looks like some lowes miracle grow