Seedling leaves pointing up


Hi guys, my seedling leaves have suddenly started to point up :-(
I think it may be because of the temps, it got up to 33 C in my grow tent because of the climate i live in, if I wanted to reduce temps down to ~28C i'd have to use a humidifier - which is what i'm doing right now but it creates 85% humidity... Is this a sign of heat stress/light stress or is it normal?DSC_0526.JPGDSC_0524.JPG


Hello Wukong,

The leaves should not be curling.

Those are both high temperatures and RH (relative humidity) levels. You should not put your plant under that stress. Here are the recommended and optimum levels:

Veg Flower
Temp: 21C-29C (22C-24C optimum)18C-27C
Relative Humidity: 40-60%40-50% RH (40-45% final weeks of flowering)

I would invest in a portable air conditioner, if possible.

However even with keeping those parameters within recommended range, you have other variables to consider. You need to consider light, temp, humidity, wind, CO2, root zone temp, water, nutrients (seedlings won't need nutrients for first few weeks), and oxygen. Along with these you also need quality soil adjusted to a pH level between 6-7.


HELP!!!!!!!! NOW IT LOOKS LIKE THIS... Theres only color in the middle of the plant, the leaves look like theyre dying .. what do i do???


it seems to be doing fine, the first set of true leaves died off but the new leaves are forming
im just gonna not feed or overwater and see how it goes


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ok some background info i accidentally fed it nutes on the 3rd day of germination... but I immediately flushed right after and i'm pretty sure I nute burned it and you can kinda see it on the tips of the new leaves as well. so now i am just gonna give it normal plain water and hope for the best.. anyone experienced this before?


Well-Known Member
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ok some background info i accidentally fed it nutes on the 3rd day of germination... but I immediately flushed right after and i'm pretty sure I nute burned it and you can kinda see it on the tips of the new leaves as well. so now i am just gonna give it normal plain water and hope for the best.. anyone experienced this before?
View attachment 4738742
be very careful in the future with accidently feeding stuff label everything and dont feed or water stoned try all organic medium then just water


Well-Known Member
be very careful in the future with accidently feeding stuff label everything and dont feed or water stoned try all organic medium then just water
Document everything you do. I have a few friends that have grown for years that still to this day document their growing.


thanks so much for all the advice guys.. I might just start a grow journal.

do you guys reckon my seedling will be ok?


It's hard to say. Give it some time. It could grow perfectly fine or it could be stunted from the shock because it's a tiny plant and very sensitive.


Well-Known Member
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ok some background info i accidentally fed it nutes on the 3rd day of germination... but I immediately flushed right after and i'm pretty sure I nute burned it and you can kinda see it on the tips of the new leaves as well. so now i am just gonna give it normal plain water and hope for the best.. anyone experienced this before?
View attachment 4738742
With a seedling you don't have to water until runoff daily. You just need to keep the coco damp.