Seedling Needs little help!


Well-Known Member
Stick a big bowl of water in your grow area, will bring the humidity up somewhat. I like my water Ph'd between 6-6.3 for soil.
Old trick I know it, humidity for now is fine but I will end up doing that.

Here is a pic to help ya guys. The stem looks weird cause I tried lst'n tooooo early.

I feel like I did give it too much to drink. I see new growth even though its slow and its healthy....yall the expert though 8-)


Well-Known Member
is this the first time you´ve grown with that soil?

usually if i see something like that, there is something wrong with the soil (something i fix with a dab of urine (my own or whatever) and then water normally)

that doesnt look like a water problem unless its severe (really lol)

so, have you run with that soil before?


Well-Known Member
the new growth looks fine though.

(meaning i wouldnt change a thing for now (if the new growth is fine, then everything is fine)

the old growth wont get better (its a waste of time for the plant to fix it, better to grow new and higher up (where pollination is easier))


I dont smoke my own piss, sorry. Just make sure you have holes cut in the bottom so water can drain out when you do water her. She looks moist so I would wait atleast 2 days before checking to see if you need to give her some water. What lights you got on her?


Well-Known Member
is this the first time you´ve grown with that soil?

usually if i see something like that, there is something wrong with the soil (something i fix with a dab of urine (my own or whatever) and then water normally)

that doesnt look like a water problem unless its severe (really lol)

I have ran the same soil 3 times, I even mix it with perlite and wormcasting. What I didnt do is add enough perlite and thats why I keep leaning towards to much moisture for the little one. I feel like I should of just misted the damn thing cause last time I did, it perked a little bit. And as I said, when I did water it I watched it flare up and went to bed, then saw this.

Okay lets forget about the old growth. As you can see and mentioned yes the new growth is beautiful. That is why I keep working with this soil cause I never had a problem with it. We will wait and see what happens. I scrapped a little soil off the top just to get the light down there. I honestly think I should of added more perlite and ease on the water.

I dont smoke my own piss, sorry. Just make sure you have holes cut in the bottom so water can drain out when you do water her. She looks moist so I would wait atleast 2 days before checking to see if you need to give her some water. What lights you got on her?
I did I even stuck toothpicks down the very side (CAREFULLY) of the cup from the top to make drainage better. Old trick. You guys have helped, now its up to her ><


Active Member
First look at the pics i had, my thougth was "poor thing, you look bit droopy" :P their not wilted tho, you migth have a couple of patches on the leaves with dead tissue, nothing to worry about. They will perk up.

it looks to me that Its stretching, wich indicates abit little ligth, or the wrong spectrum. Your soil mix migth be a bit harsh, ph of 8 is too high, you want it to be around 6.8. measure your runoff to get the knowledge of where you are. And if your using tapwater, test that as well. Leave tapwater in a open can/bowl overnigth/24 h to let the chemicals added from the water company to evaporate.

Personally I never reuse soil, it goes straigth into to the garden. The recipies for soil you get on the web is a bit fucked up if you ask me. I buy some flower soil and add 5% perlite to it.
In most cases, all you get at your local store is premixed with all you need. I recommend starting with a smaller cup/, and let the soil semi dry before watering it again. When its that young you dont want it to go completly dry.

Its better to repot often, that way your layering the roots better, instead of at the bottom. Cannabis roots, are deep penetrating roots :) Getting a feeling for weigth for when to water and when to not is probably the best thing for someone haveing problems with watering.
I usually repot every 2 weeks depending on growth, when i do; I mix a table spoon of bonemeal pr gallon of earth. This will slowly release nitro and phosphorus into the soil during your mid and last stage of vegetive stage. If your having trouble keeping the room humidity up, try letting a wet towel dry in the same room or have a couple of bowls of water standing beside it.

and dont piss on your smokes man :P


Well-Known Member
hey int, you can overwater those babies very easily, trust me (i know, everyone says trust me but seriously, trust me) i have killed my share doing just that. whenever mrs sunnyboy or i think maybe we should water our plants, we ask ourselves if they really REALLY need it. i don't mean damp-dry but are they dry-dry ya dig? try not to stress it, i had an ugly ass little plant with a corkscrew stem that turned into a BEAUTIFUL imo indica, too bad it went male on us but it was it's sure didn't look like any of the photogenic babies i have seen on here. if there's one thing i have learned in my small, teeny, tiny growing career is not to stress it, you will get the hang of it (oh yeah and one other for sure thing i have learned is perlite is your friend, use it freely) :peace:

here's an example from droopy and sad to pretty indica, hang in there and don't give up (and don't piss on your plants ;-))




Well-Known Member

You are right about everything. It is stretched, started with wrong spectrum, but the soil is fine. Besides the fact of not adding enough perlite. Dolomite Lime is what I will use for ph balance, but I cant just yet since im going through this ><! Soon as I repot though I will add an once per gallon of soil. Here is another pic I took. The one at the top was from this morning, this is now.

You can tell its getting a little happy. Criticism is welcomed!

Mysunnyboy Im with you on there! Those look beautiful im jealous. Im not giving up its too much fun.


Well-Known Member

You are right about everything. It is stretched, started with wrong spectrum, but the soil is fine. Besides the fact of not adding enough perlite. Dolomite Lime is what I will use for ph balance, but I cant just yet since im going through this ><! Soon as I repot though I will add an once per gallon of soil. Here is another pic I took. The one at the top was from this morning, this is now.

You can tell its getting a little happy. Criticism is welcomed!

Mysunnyboy Im with you on there! Those look beautiful im jealous. Im not giving up its too much fun.
it's funner 'n hell :weed: