Seedling Ppm Confusion


Well-Known Member
Just feed your freaking plants... 1.4EC to everything in dwc, even babies. I'm still waiting to see my babies get burned with 1.4EC... it doesn't even make sense that they would. I've been doing it that way for years.

The quicker you start feeding them proper diet, the quicker they will take off.

Feeding plain water in hydro for the first few weeks is the best way to end up with a "should my plants be further along?" or "what's wrong with my plants?" thread in the near future... It's the blind leading the blind. To make things worse, 90% of these threads with undernourished, underdeveloped plants end up with "Flush" being the consensus advice, which is the nail in the coffin... then root rot sets in and they start making threads about how to stop their plant from rotting away...
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Well-Known Member
Just feed your freaking plants... 1.4EC to everything in dwc, even babies. I'm still waiting to see my babies get burned with 1.4EC... it doesn't even make sense that they would. I've been doing it that way for years.

The quicker you start feeding them proper diet, the quicker they will take off.

Feeding plain water in hydro for the first few weeks is the best way to end up with a "should my plants be further along?" or "what's wrong with my plants?" thread in the near future... It's the blind leading the blind. To make things worse, 90% of these threads with undernourished, underdeveloped plants end up with "Flush" being the consensus advice, which is the nail in the coffin... then root rot sets in and they start making threads about how to stop their plant from rotting away...
well put!