
Well-Known Member
i poste this abot 10 days ago when i didnt have a ph meter and i thought that it was a ph problem,the ph of the water was 8.2 now i got it to 6.5 using lemon juice and i flushed these plants abot 5 days ago,now the problem still persists and my new plants purple haze fem. they are 8 days old are starting to show similar symptoms,so its not ph what can it be, day temp.24c night 20c, humidity 45% ,using a 430w hps and for the seedling 23wx5 cfl, no nutes ,the ph of the soil is 6.5



Well-Known Member
no i dont think so couse the soil is real light its not compressed at all,are there some plant diseases


Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like a disease issue to me. Are you using nutrients yet? At this stage, you probably should only be watering. What soil are you using? A lot of shitty soil mixes (i.e. Miracle Grow, Scotts, Dr. Schultz) have nutes already in them and this can cause problems, especially early on in the seedlings life. In addition to a high PH, your water may also contain levels of calcium and other minerals too high for your plants. Are you monitoring the TDS content of your water? You want to use water that has as few dissolved solids as possible. If you are using water that measuers more than 100ppm this could be part of the problem. If you have no way of checking the TDS levels, I suggest using store-bought filtered water (not spring water). You could also try using a Brita filter, but I've never done that myself so I can't say for sure how effective that is.


Well-Known Member
i wrote no nutes,my water 250ppm, and the thing that i dont understand 6 months ago i had more then 10 species growing in the same conditions
had no problems whit it and now of my 3 species 2 are getting screwed growing lr/ak47 the pictures,purple haze of which il post tomorow and euforia duch passion the only one healthy for now,and the soil is a german brand soil u probably wouldnt know it since i live in europe and its called seedling ph 6.5 high quality soil,how can i lower the ppm


Well-Known Member
can u please tell me how,in these pictures that u see i did add perlite i just covered the surface couse i also added some organic fer. that smell real bad so i cover the surface,in the little pots which im gona post pics tomorow i dont have perlite couse i figured im gona transplant soon but both these have the same problem , whit the small ones its just starting


Active Member
you have to watch your ph when useing somthing like lemon juice, it is fine for a while but once it is in the soil it can disolve or somthing like that, rendering it useless a few hours to a day after watering, i dont know much about the situation as i am a newb, but i can assure you that you want to look into it, and possably buy some proper ph down


Active Member
Man thats some crazy shit.... I am new to this myself smoked for years never thought about growing .to much water maybe try letting them thirst for an extra time period since it is a weed it wont die that easy.