Seedling Problem? (PHOTO INCLUDED)


Hello, i just started growing weed for my first time. i planted two seeds and they both started growing. I dont know if this is a huge problem or not but like the leaves on the plant are like drooping, they are still green and everything but they are drooping and i have no idea why? oh and one of the plants stem like bent, it didnt break and im guessing the plants not dead because its still green not brown. can anyone give me some help please?



please help me, is it bad the leaves are drooping? what can i do to help them? and the stem has been like that for lik 2 days now, i mean if the plant was dead from it, wouldent it be brown? i think its still alive


Well-Known Member
they are growing toward the lights, repot and bring the soil up to about 1in. below the bottom leaves for support, and look alittle overwatered too.


well like the stem looks like its actually bent, its not just like hanging there, you may not see the bent part to good but it has like a bend in the stem. and cant i wait to transplant it? i dont wanna kill them. and what do drooping leaves mean? to much water? not enough?


im not useing any kind special light, im just useing sun light, my friend got a good plant useing just sun light. I put them out on the window during the day and i put them in the closet or on my desk at night. and when should I water them? every day? every other day?


Well-Known Member
watre them when the top of the soil is dry to the touch, every 2-3 days uselly maybe once a week when they are young. but you need to repot and seperate or else they will die.


Well-Known Member
you don't need a special high dollar light but your plant needs more light than what it is getting right now, a single daylight cfl with a drop light reflector from walmart both for less than 10 bucks for when the sun isn't shining in the window.


so im guessing a lightbulb wont just cut it huh? thats prob a very stupid question, but im kinda new to this


Well-Known Member
watre them when the top of the soil is dry to the touch, every 2-3 days uselly maybe once a week when they are young. but you need to repot and seperate or else they will die.
threy may not die, but they will be fighting for nutes and if one is male your screwed.


Well-Known Member
the little spiral lights compact florescents work great ,,but at this point any light is better than not enough


alright dude, thank you on the light advice. now is it bad that the plant has like a bend in its stem? like i can see a little bend in the stem, and like i said its been like that for a few days, if its been like that for a few days, and its still green am i good? cuz its not just like tiping over like it looks in the pic, it actually has alittle bend in it.


Well-Known Member
as for the bend you need to hold it up straight when you replant and just bury it in dirt til about an inch under the leaves , that will support it and it will be fine,,but for it not to happen again u need to keep the light closer to keep it from stretching


so take it out and replant it so that the soil is higher up on it than it is right now? so when i replant it i will have the soil an inch under the leaves? like higher up on the stem? and for now is the sun okay? or should i use a reg light bulb till i get the spiral flercent?


Well-Known Member
yeah you definatly need more light man get some cfls. of course light bulbs work fine thats all you can use. water the soil when it gets dry. your gonna need to seperate those and repot them. bury the stems up to right below the bottom sets of leaves so they can support themselves. get a couple of cfls per plant at least, and keep the light about 2-3 inches above the tops of the plants. also get an oscilating fan blowing on your plants that will help strengthen the stem. dont even worry about using sunlight unless your gonna actually put the plants outside because they need direct light. sitting in a window sill is no good, and cfls are cheap as hell. well good luck man


Well-Known Member
a regular light puts out alot of heat but is better than nothing. i would recommend a cfl light , and if ya can get a refelctor cut a soda can in half and use it, yes replant and seperate them into two containers


yeah you definatly need more light man get some cfls. of course light bulbs work fine thats all you can use. water the soil when it gets dry. your gonna need to seperate those and repot them. bury the stems up to right below the bottom sets of leaves so they can support themselves. get a couple of cfls per plant at least, and keep the light about 2-3 inches above the tops of the plants. also get an oscilating fan blowing on your plants that will help strengthen the stem. dont even worry about using sunlight unless your gonna actually put the plants outside because they need direct light. sitting in a window sill is no good, and cfls are cheap as hell. well good luck man
I feel really dumb for asking this but what are cfls? i just started growin so im kinda stupid on this stuff. so i should just screw the sunlight? i mean i have nothing but reg lamp light bulbs, like 100 watt ones, im guessing i cant use them can i?


a regular light puts out alot of heat but is better than nothing. i would recommend a cfl light , and if ya can get a refelctor cut a coda can in half and use it, yes replant and seperate them into two containers
okay dude, i will replant them tommro and put the soil higher up on the stem so they dont droop anymore. and im going to use a normal 100 watt lightbulb and just keep it alittle farther away