Seedling Problem, Please help


Well-Known Member
i see.... So watering a little seedling everyday in a medium that is rich in nutrients helps. This can easily stress & burn a young plant! You've totally disregarded this info the guy provided & abused me for trying to help. Now thats bullshit.
Buddy, I know what Nute Burn looks like, those pics show absolutely no sign of nute burn. Before u go around diagnosing peoples problems, grow something first...

im growin perfect plants and i dont check PH or anything i just let them learn to adapt and dont treat my plants like pussies...
Unfortunately we all don't have plants as smart as urs. Not all of us are lucky enough to have magical pot plants that will learn to adapt to any circumstances.
Let's see ur plants adapt to mold, or spider mites


Well-Known Member
Now, on to diagnosing.
Flush the bad looking plants with PH'd water. PH it to a really low 6 or even 5.9 (this will counter-act with the high PH of ur soil and straighten that shit out) Run atleast a gallon of that thru each pot.
After u flush, check the PH runoff, make sure it is between 6 and 6.5, it should be with a proper flush. Not a point more or a point less...
Even if it's not a PH problem, this will completely rule it out so we can move on.
There is also a good chance that u have root rot Chill on the watering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Put a fan blowing on the surface of the soil on low, that will help dry that out.


Active Member
Every time I've use miracle grow potting mix, it has indicated various nute burns throughout the plants life, I recommend not using this soil next time.
Yours doesn't look like nute burn but watch out for it.


Well-Known Member
Everyone needs to chill out a bit, especialy you CH.

Flush the bad looking plants with PH'd water. PH it to a really low 6 or even 5.9
your suggesting that he flushes with a LOW PH at 6 - 5.9 even though the recommended PH is 6. Supose this would make sense if he was still wartering with his original un-PHed tap water which was at 7.6+, which he isnt.

Even if it's not a PH problem, this will completely rule it out so we can move on.
If it isnt a PH problem what could it be??

CH suggests that.......

There is also a good chance that u have root rot Chill on the watering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Put a fan blowing on the surface of the soil on low, that will help dry that out.
Ok, so if it isnt the PH that is the problem, its root rot due to over watering "chill on the wartering" as you say. Your just contradicting your self buddy. After he flushes the shit out of his plants with a PH at 5.9 - 6 (your recommended PH) and realises its not the PH that is the problem, flushing his plants arnt gonna be the best solution for the root rot problem is it.

I suggest you stop warting for about a 5-7 day untill they just start to wilt and let your soil completely dry out then start your warting schedule again with the PH'd water and dont go overboard on your watering schedule. water when your plants need water, better to under water than over water.

this is my opinion and if you wanna go all crazy eyes on my ass feel free CH because i didnt agree with you and stated my own opinion.

only trying to help.

oh yeh,

its a plant, they DONT need to be treated like pussys. its not like there gonna spontaniously combust. :fire::leaf::fire::leaf::fire:



Active Member
Posted by Jordy Villain

4. No one mentioned that some browning of the first set of leaves is SUPER fucking common and that on the whole your plants look healthy. There'll be more instances of browning as they get older.. It's pretty natural.

i agree, the first set of single leaves always die after a few weeks, there is nothing wrong with the rest of the plant so water it less and leave it the f*** alone for a while


Well-Known Member
Buddy, I know what Nute Burn looks like, those pics show absolutely no sign of nute burn. Before u go around diagnosing peoples problems, grow something first...

Ok Dr.Custom...... I have a grow on the go & used MG on 1 of the plants which ruined it. 2 of my other plants are doin fine in lightly ferted compost. So i have grown something which you presumed i hadn't.... I see you eventually agreed with the overwatering which a few people including myself had said earlier.
Oh yeah & many peolpe grow without caring about PH,Nutes & all that & succeed without any problems probably just luck but it happens & you blasted xcyraxx &others with your sarcasm......:spew:

Yobo is right chill out a bit man :mrgreen:

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
It is very common for a new grower to want instant success and instant gratification. Most newby plants are killed with too much attention which equals water! I use the lift method to determine when my girls need a drink. Every individual plant will be different. I pick up the container and it should be very light. It should feel almost empty if you are using good fluffy aerated soil. Quit drowning your plants with love!


Well-Known Member
MIRICAL GROW SUCKS! and there is no reason to be feeding your plants nutes this early. wait until they show you signs that they want some feedings!


Active Member
Hi, thanks for all the responses!

My plants look a lot like those in toobam's link, shit MG soil!
the water i have been using since day 1 was ph 7.6. I brought it down to 6.5 with lemon juice on 28th day, and have been watering it with 6.0 water since. The ph of drainage water is steady now at 6.5. I also reduced watering to once in two day, the top inch of soil get really dry after 2 days.

The plants got better for a while, but now i have droopy leaves. any idea what i shall do now?

