seedling question.. healthy vs unhealthy?



im using germination heat pad, water ph 6.0

should i leave vents open in the humidity dome?

obviously you can see the leaves are turning brown and curling at the tip. please help


k well, i read the seedlings threads, and im still not sure.
The plant in the picture is showing a little bit of growth but the outer leaves are browning and curling up. the rockwool is damp. please help. i dont wanna lose this lil guy!


Well-Known Member
You're driving yourself crazy. Just relax, and let the weed grow itself. I don't even use a dome for seeds., just cuttings. If the seeds are viable, and you maintain proper moisture, light, and air exchange, you'll be fine. Just smoke a jay and relax. And for what its worth, rockwool is tricky for starting seeds if you've never used it.


ive never used it and im using 2 different kinds. just tryin to freak out. you think dome is too humid? i know the leaves need to breathe as the roots also need new oxygen.
im runnin 4 T5,s you think i should have em closer than say 7 inches?

thanks for your reply!


Active Member
ive never used it and im using 2 different kinds. just tryin to freak out. you think dome is too humid? i know the leaves need to breathe as the roots also need new oxygen.
im runnin 4 T5,s you think i should have em closer than say 7 inches?

thanks for your reply!
If you look closely at your own picture, you will notice that what you think is your leaves dying, is actually the seed-husk, still stuck to a leaf. Don't worry - it will fall off.
I'm sure you can put your light a bit closer than 7 inches - like half of that. Relax.


Active Member
At first your safe by leaving the vents closed, your doing alright man. Also give the tray a light shake every once in a while to act like the wind the would naturally make the stem stronger.