Seedling question + oasis+newbie question.


Active Member
Just a few questions. Im not really good at english so please understand me please. I usally buy all my weed and just smoke it. Normally get purple haze and sour disel and etc.. Try to only smoke the good things. Well recently i bought a QP and came thru 5 seeds while i was smoking it. I NEVER ever grew a plant before and friends wanted me to see if it germinates. So i put it in papertowel and wet it and put inside a zip lock bag and stuff it under my closet drawl and 3~5 days later i noticed all the seeds have somekinda "roots" coming out and the seeds still hanging at the end.

Today i read some stuff online and youtube and wanted to go get my self some rockwool but couldnt find any. So i bought oasis floral foam and soaked it in water and put it inside a white plastic container and now is where the questions come....

Do i just poke a hole bout 1inch deep and drop the seedlings in and COVER it back with the foam? Or do i just put the seed inside the foam and let the roots stick outside? Or do i stick the roots down first and leave the seed side on top?

Im really sorry if my enlgish confused you.
I want to just see if i can grow this for now and if sucessful, maybe i odnt have to pay $1300 for QP's every month. LOL

I am currently testing 1 seed with the sprout sticking out. I put that inside the hole i made in the oasis and covered it gently on top with the oasis around it. Put two of those spiral CPL's inside my closet about 8 inches away from the plant. I am using a regular LAMP...:confused:
I know this is a bad setup and all but right now i jsut want to learn how to grow and some basics in growin a plant than i will get all the gears nessasary to make it better.

ANY help will be nice..I am very excited to learn about GARDENING... LOL

Also this batch of seed was from purple kush weed i had. Does this mean the plant will be purple kush? Pretty obvious but PLEASE teach me those obvious things too.... I been reading this forum and so far its been very helpful. I feel SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NORMAL in this forum... LOL I thought me and my friends were only people who were in LOVE with



Well-Known Member
Advise: your first grow is a learning experience. Expect it to mostly fail in the end. Don't be discouraged though . . . take that knowledge and do it right NEXT time. EXAMPLE: The seeds you've found in your stash were probably NOT intensionally bred with a male marijuana plant. Most likely, you're now growing a plant with a dandylion for a daddy. You'll be lucky to get high off it! So, my advise it to keep growing it but lower your expectations on the final outcome. Then order seeds from Attitude for your next grow and you will have learned all you need to know from the dandylions.