Seedling Question. (Switching Pots Help)... :/


I REALLY need some help here... Ok so I just planted my weed plant a few days ago and it sprouted. I planted it in a water bottle that i cut in half, put the soil in, and then put my seed in. So when it grew a little to a seedling, I was changing the plant into a real pot so I pulled the whole plant out (litterally), the root was hanging from the bottom, and then I got it and put it in a new bigger pot with soil.. Will it still grow even tho I may of Damaged it? (I know im dumb, im a begginer here.)


* When I pulled it out, I did it from the bottom of where it was to the soil, and pulled OUT... Just saying *

- Thanks for any help given :)


Its kind of a 50/50 chance id say depending on if its hurt bad or what, if u still got alot of roots on it u might be alright.From my experience with using wter bottles and small things to start in its the best to let the soil dry out alittle so it will hold togther and just barely squeeze the sides of the bottle to break the soil lose from the sides and hold it upside down and it should come out.

P.s just dont do it like that again.


Well-Known Member
Did you break the root? When transplanting, you should wait until the plants roots have moved through the soil, so you can pull out the entire root system and soil all at once.