Seedling slow growth and light green leaves


New Member
Hey guys,

Im doing my first grow but it seems that one of my seedlings is growing quite a slower then the other and is a light green. Im growing tangie matic and its been a week since germination. I was hoping maybe someone might be able to give me some help figuring out whats wrong with the poor thing.

Growth seems to have slowed about 2 days ago and im currently on day 7 since germination.

At first i thought it was a nutrient deficieny so i gave it a super light feed of nutrients, seaweed fertilizer and silica plus some soil probiotic. Ive also refrained from watering the last couple of days as the soil is still moist.

I should also mention i did spot like 2 fungus gnats flying around the pots so I squashed em and ive checked the soil with a microsope and haven't found any eggs or larvae. Ive also dressed the soil with perlite to shop them from getting into the soil again but have noticed that it seems to be slowing down the time it takes for the soil to dry. Soil mixture is 70% potting with the back and nutrient balls seived out and the rest is perlite.



Pretty Big. I think its either 4 or 5 gallons. I read that with autos it was good to start them in there final pot but a lot of people on here stated that its still better to transplant them. Would you recommend that i move them into something smaller?

I would put it in a red solo cup with your soil and 20% perlite mixed in. Is the perlite just on top of the soil currently? At any rate it needs a smaller container so it is easier to control the soil moisture.
Nah ive got perlite mixed through the soil as well as a top dressing. I'll grab some cups or smaller pots from the shops now. Thanks for the advice
It’s a slight burn .... it happens when you dump TOO MUCH on a very young seedling. Believe it or not the seedlings live off of initial Nutes from cotyledon. You are seeing the seedling stress a bit in a hot medium.

It WILL PASS as long as stop over fertilizer.
Thanks for the diagnosis. Would I be alright to keep watering with silica or would you suggest I give them just water on its own for a while?
Is it cold?
Man... If you've seen fungus gnats now let me tell ya.... They're in your soil and it will never be easier to treat them than it is right now...
Thanks for the diagnosis. Would I be alright to keep watering with silica or would you suggest I give them just water on its own for a while?
Light nutrient blend on a normal watering schedule.. Don't look at it every 3 hours, check once a day
Light nutrient blend on a normal watering schedule.. Don't look at it every 3 hours, check once a day
Hahaha yeah I cant help but keep checking on them all the time. They haven't come back at all since i popped the perlite down but I'll water it with some peroxide in a couple of days in case they laid eggs in there to take care of the larvae. It hasnt been super cold, lowest its been was probably around 56. Thanks for the advice