Seedling struggling - Too much or Too Little water?

Reviving this rather than starting a new thread. So, to recap:

Today is day 9 since germination in soil. Sprouted on day 2, took off real well. Aside from misting once or twice, I have not watered since germination. The guide I followed said to water the soil to runoff; then pop the seed in and let it go. When I started this thread, many of you astutely pointed out that it was plenty wet -- so I left it alone. Sure enough, I saw some good progress since then. Both have good color, are standing straight and seem happy.

Things have gone quiet since about last Friday. Minimal additional growth since then. A second set of leaves has begun to appear on both seedlings but isn't really growing at all. I have resisted the temptation to change much of anything and am instead just checking to see that they continue to drink from the ample moisture in the cups. The cups are getting lighter, and the seedlings are still green - so something must be going on.

The real question is this: I have since learned that softened water (we use pellet salt) is incredibly bad for plants. Sure enough, that's what I did that initial watering with. The rookie is strong with this one. Anyway, RO is not an option for me right now (budget is busted for this month), but I have bypassed our softener and have some water straight from the well. I also didn't realize PH was important in soil, so I have acquired some PH down (Ours is high - drops suggest 7.5-8ish) and a pen to adjust mine down to an appropriate range. I will take care of this before their first watering; probably tonight or tomorrow.

Can anyone give me any pointers on damage control for using that soft water? Again, this was only for the initial watering -- but that's pretty much the only water they've had for the first 9 days of their lives. The salt problem sounds like a cumulative thing, so I'm hoping the damage will be minimal. Then again, if I just need to start over, I don't mind. I Just don't want to give up on them prematurely.


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Thanks. I'll leave it alone for now. I misted this morning thinking surely she was thirsty, but I guess that's the pitfall many fall into when over watering.

Good point on soil level. I could trim the edge of the cup down a bit.
Soil level is best kept low to start, then as the wee one grows and stretches, you can refill to below first set of leaves. Helps keep stretch down b4 repotting.
I use 100% citric acid powder to lower my tap waters PH.......1/8th of a teaspoon lowers the PH of a gallon quite a bit.......a few squirts of lemon squeezed to a gallon probably accomplishes the same goal.......7.7 Ph tap water without and 6.4 using an 1/8th of a teaspoon.

In regards to possibly overwatering a solo cup? Puncture one hole on the bottom of the cup, and one hole on each side of the solo cup. Ya won't need much water to see it begin to drip thru the bottom. Then STOP watering for at least 48 full hours.

Big supply cheap:
I use 100% citric acid powder to lower my tap waters PH.......1/8th of a teaspoon lowers the PH of a gallon quite a bit.......a few squirts of lemon squeezed to a gallon probably accomplishes the same goal.......7.7 Ph tap water without and 6.4 using an 1/8th of a teaspoon.

In regards to possibly overwatering a solo cup? Puncture one hole on the bottom of the cup, and one hole on each side of the solo cup. Ya won't need much water to see it begin to drip thru the bottom. Then STOP watering for at least 48 full hours.

Big supply cheap:

Thanks for your insights, Couch. I had seen others mention this same approach and actually have some citric acid out for delivery today. However, I also read others indicating that the acid was weak enough that it eventually broke down. Have you experienced anything like this? I already have a $35 bottle of PH down, but I'm sure I could return it if I don't actually need it since I bought it locally.

Since my original post, I have modified the cups a fair bit. I had drainage in them all along - but added a lot more after folks pointed out they were overwatered. I will put some in the bottom, though. I did four large ones along the bottom/edges -- but nothing on the underside.
I'm not sure how long the citric acid lasts once in the soil....I don't get real scientific, I just measure the same amount and use it every watering. It worked well for 2 indoor grows and its working again on the 3rd. The day I measure slurry PPH like a scientist is the day I quit actually smoking the weed. I never was a nerd and I suck at pretending I'm one.

I bought Ph up and down for my first grow. Used the Ph down twice, its way overpriced. I'd rather use my citric acid crystals.
I'm not sure how long the citric acid lasts once in the soil....I don't get real scientific, I just measure the same amount and use it every watering. It worked well for 2 indoor grows and its working again on the 3rd. The day I measure slurry PPH like a scientist is the day I quit actually smoking the weed. I never was a nerd and I suck at pretending I'm one.

Well, man, that makes two of us. I don't pretend to understand any of it. I just listen to those of you that seem to be doing it right and try to tune out the rest. I didn't realize the water PH didn't matter post-soil. Maybe that's more of a hydro thing? Either way, I will start with the citric and see if that works -- Would love to save some money. This project is already about 2x the budget. But half of that was me stockpiling seeds. :D

Well, man, that makes two of us. I don't pretend to understand any of it. I just listen to those of you that seem to be doing it right and try to tune out the rest. I didn't realize the water PH didn't matter post-soil. Maybe that's more of a hydro thing? Either way, I will start with the citric and see if that works -- Would love to save some money. This project is already about 2x the budget. But half of that was me stockpiling seeds. :D

I'm not familiar with your soil, I've used a combo of Fox Farm Happy Frog and FF Ocean Harvest. And also FF liquid nutes, as they are formulated for the amended soil they sell. Took out some guesswork on my part.
I'm not familiar with your soil, I've used a combo of Fox Farm Happy Frog and FF Ocean Harvest. And also FF liquid nutes, as they are formulated for the amended soil they sell. Took out some guesswork on my part.

I'm going to FFOF as soon as I get them out of these cups. Just waiting for enough growth -- and trying not to kill them before then. :weed:
Hi, folks. I'm hoping some of you can share some advice with me. I recently started my first grow: 2 Mephisto autos. (3 Bears OG & Forgotten Cookies x Forum Stomper) I planted on 2/9 and now have two seedlings.

Germinated in soil. Using Espoma organic potting mix w/20% organic perilite mixed in. They're side by side on a heat mat. Average temp in there has been 78.1 degrees F and average RH is right at 60%. I have my QB about 30" above them dimmed to its lowest setting. Running it on a 20/4 cycle. I also have a small oscillating fan keeping air moving.

One of them - the slower to germinate - looks good. Nice and green. Has come a long way in the last 24 hours.

The other (taller) one sprouted first. Overnight last night, its stem stretched over an inch. Those leaves have been curled downward pretty much the whole time though, and the color looks a little pale. Each is in its own solo cup which I watered before germination. Since then, I have only spritzed the surface a couple times with a spray bottle. When I do the knuckle test, this one's soil does feel pretty dry, but when I compare the weight with another solo cup filled with medium, it's about double the weight. It's not bone dry, but I don't want to over water. What do you think?

Thanks in advance for any insights.
def too much water man
This is Ole's first grow, most of us were the same. Worrying more then needed, checking on plants 4-5 times a day.

Yeah, been there myself. He's a smart guy, he will laugh looking back at this a year from now.
Reviving this rather than starting a new thread. So, to recap:

Today is day 9 since germination in soil. Sprouted on day 2, took off real well. Aside from misting once or twice, I have not watered since germination. The guide I followed said to water the soil to runoff; then pop the seed in and let it go. When I started this thread, many of you astutely pointed out that it was plenty wet -- so I left it alone. Sure enough, I saw some good progress since then. Both have good color, are standing straight and seem happy.

Things have gone quiet since about last Friday. Minimal additional growth since then. A second set of leaves has begun to appear on both seedlings but isn't really growing at all. I have resisted the temptation to change much of anything and am instead just checking to see that they continue to drink from the ample moisture in the cups. The cups are getting lighter, and the seedlings are still green - so something must be going on.

The real question is this: I have since learned that softened water (we use pellet salt) is incredibly bad for plants. Sure enough, that's what I did that initial watering with. The rookie is strong with this one. Anyway, RO is not an option for me right now (budget is busted for this month), but I have bypassed our softener and have some water straight from the well. I also didn't realize PH was important in soil, so I have acquired some PH down (Ours is high - drops suggest 7.5-8ish) and a pen to adjust mine down to an appropriate range. I will take care of this before their first watering; probably tonight or tomorrow.

Can anyone give me any pointers on damage control for using that soft water? Again, this was only for the initial watering -- but that's pretty much the only water they've had for the first 9 days of their lives. The salt problem sounds like a cumulative thing, so I'm hoping the damage will be minimal. Then again, if I just need to start over, I don't mind. I Just don't want to give up on them prematurely.
You'll be fine though, Marijuana is a sturdy plant. I've had one of my seedlings transplanted into the ground outside experiencing heavy rain and cold temperatures and despite some visible discomfort she's hanging in there! Just do your homework and figure out how much and how little water the plant needs, gradually add more each time as it grows. No need to start over, just let her dry out
You'll be fine though, Marijuana is a sturdy plant. I've had one of my seedlings transplanted into the ground outside experiencing heavy rain and cold temperatures and despite some visible discomfort she's hanging in there! Just do your homework and figure out how much and how little water the plant needs, gradually add more each time as it grows. No need to start over, just let her dry out

Thanks. I'll hang in there. I was looking back at photos from Friday, and it probably wasn't even fair for me to say they haven't progressed in the time since. Minimal leaf activity, but there is a visible and marked difference. The cups have also dried up a lot. That I used softened water spooked me, but you are right - they are resilient plants.

I really appreciate everyone's insights and encouragement. Will get some water PHed and give them a little love in the next day or two and update. Cheers.
I know this is all too late but thought I would give my two cents. as far as the watering it seems your on track now. but as for the stretching and how much to fill the cup. I like that there was some space on top, it gives the the ability to watch for stretching and add soil when you see it stretch. then lower the light. the part of the stem that you burry will still grow roots after you cover it with wet soil. :)
Thanks. I'll hang in there. I was looking back at photos from Friday, and it probably wasn't even fair for me to say they haven't progressed in the time since. Minimal leaf activity, but there is a visible and marked difference. The cups have also dried up a lot. That I used softened water spooked me, but you are right - they are resilient plants.

I really appreciate everyone's insights and encouragement. Will get some water PHed and give them a little love in the next day or two and update. Cheers.
No problem, and I would recommend using purified drinking water and diluting a wee bit of plant food (rose, etc.) into the solution, that'll help with growth immensely