Seedling Transplant

Okay, basically I had a bunch of bag seed and i put the majority of them in little mostly random holes in two large 8'' buckets. I didn't bother with germinating mostly because I was curious if they would even sprout.. after about a week about 20 or so have sprouted up... Almost all of them have shown their true leaves... and one is already developing its second set.... It's becoming too cold outside, so I am going to move them indoors so I will obviously need to transplant each plant into its own pot...The problem is that there are a few clusters of sprouts very close together and I'm curious if I should just cut my losses and just pick the healthiest one of the group to transplant...


Active Member
well give it your best shot. try to separate all of them. if theyre that young they wont have that big of a root system developed yet. all you can do is try and if some dont make it then at least you have a lot of plants to replace them with ya know?:bigjoint: just my 2 cents


Active Member
Definitely don't kill any. You won't have as many pickins after weeding out the hermies and males anyway. I like hydrotech364's idea ;). Personally, I would just turn the bucket sideways and shake a bit, since the roots don't cling to much soil yet they would practically fall out, lol.
I'm going to wait a few days for the soil to dry out a bit more and then I'll try to transplant them all into separate smaller 6" pots... I'll keep ya updated....
Okay, I think I'm going to transplant them later today... the soil I will be using translplanting into will be a mix of scotts organic ( I couldnt make it out to the hydro store :( ); peat; verm; and possibly some diluted bloodmeal later for root development... Anyway, they are small enough I was hoping I could just use a bulb planter to extract them... Has any one ever used one of these tools before? It seems like it would work pretty well since the root systems probably are not that big right now...


the ones that grow close together plant in the same pot. they probably have roots that are close together. the best one will live. :) this is how i works. I hope I helped


ur better off just doin wa the last ppl said turning the bucket over they will fall out hah roots will be small as not even holding on yet n ceap them alll!