Seedling Troubles!


My seedling is about 6 days old since sprouting and not looking to good.

If anyone could help me diagnose what is going on here, I would greatly appreciate it.



Are these all different plants? Its kind of hard to tell from the pictures what exactly is going on. The stalk looks dark and almost woods from the pictures. Maybe it's just a dark purple color? I will help as much as I can


The pictures are all from the same plant.
The bottom part is green and seems healthy, but about halfway up is where it starts turning the brown/purple.
And i am not sure what is happening at the top, no leaves are sprouting and the cotyledons literally fell off/.


I just had this happen with one of mine! I'm not sure what the problem is but I just threw it out bc it was just a bag seed. I would recommend just throwing it out unless you spent your money to order a good strain. If you really wanna keep it just do what you normally would and see if any additional growth follows. Keep me informed on this I'm very curious.


Well-Known Member
temps around 78? keep barely moist until you see first leafs then water more thoroughly. then no water until you cant pinch water out of soil from 2 inches down. other than that did you burn them from to much light. at that stage one 43 watt cfl would be good at 2-3 inches away add light as the plant grows. their tender at that stage.


I don't think i let it go dry.
I was told in a previous thread I was over watering.
I just don't understand whats wrong.

DUBS Doobious

Active Member
That lil fella looks like shit.
Give us more info.
Watering Schedule?
Relative Humidity?
It doesn't look like theres much left to save though. If I were you I would just sit tight and wait. don't mess with it. The soil looked a little soggy. do you have good drainage? Some plants just weren't meant to live though its just the way of nature. call it natural selection at work.


First time grower.
Using one 105 Watt CFL rated at 6900 Lumens with a color temperature of 4500 Kelvin. It is about 2-3 inches away from the top of the plant and I am using a round 10" reflector with a concrete socket. The light is on 24 hours.

There is a constant fresh air supply and air circulation has not been a problem.

I am using an all organic growing mix containing Canadian sphagnum peat moss, volcanic perlite, natural dolomite lime, and a natural organic fertilizer. This is in a 4"x4.5" round ceramic pot prefilled with 1.5" of river rock for drainage. No nutrients have been added.

The plant was grown from seed.

I am using tap water with an initial pH of 7.4 which i regulate using a diluted solution of sulfuric acid. I adjust the pH to 6.7 before watering and I usually water once a day.

This has all been done indoors in a stable environment free of insects. The temperature is kept between 75 and 82, while the relative humidity stays between 35 and 45 percent.


I don't know what to tell you except to get some other/better seeds and start over.

Especially if it was over-watered, it could have been attacked by some kind of fungus, which seedlings are particularly susceptible to. It looks pretty stretched, but besides that it also looks discolored and the base of the stem just looks weird. If the cotyledons are not emerging fully and new growth isn't developing then it is just toast. Except I wouldn't eat it.


Active Member
are you measuring the temp at the seedling level? 105 actual watts? that sounds like an awful lot of light and heat for a tiny plant I know how hot my 42watt(150 equiv) is pretty hot 2 inches away.pull the light back a few inches id say

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
If i was you i would scrap that up and start oover with a new seed/seeds.
PLUS new soil... if it is something in the soil, you dont want an endless circle jerk to occur. Mist the pot really good with bleach & water sanitizing solution {aprox 1 oz bleach to 1 gal water} that every kitchen should have handy... then rinse really well. This should kill any germs that might be in the pot.

I would recomend starting seeds in Jiffy pellets, "root riot" cubes, "sure to grow" thingie cubes etc. Jiffy has cute little mini-me greenhouse trays. Once it sprouts in one of those, and you see some root action, then put it in soil.