Seedling: White Tips On Cotyledons After Pulling Shell Off (Photo)


Well-Known Member
I was curious if any of you had this situation and can advise me.

I planted a Royal Haze seed on May 1st right in the soil like I always do. Everything was going normal until I noticed 5 days in that her shell wasn't cracking. I tried to crack the shell a little with tweezers but the shell was too hard and I didn't want to persist so I wouldn't harm her.

Today, the seed was cracked more and looked as if she was finally going to bust out. However, when I moved her pot a little, she fell over from the weight of her shell.

What I did:
I pulled the shell off with my fingers and separated her cotyledons and added more top soil to support her. There is also a small tear in one of her cotyledons.

Here is a photo of what she looks like at 7days old from planting her in the soil.

7 days May 8th.jpg

My question:

Have you had a seedling with a shell problem like this and how did she turn out?

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member


I will post an update for future reference for people who encounter this situation.


Well-Known Member
i think it's alright. wait a few days. some plants have trouble breaking the shell. it may be because they werent buried deep enough. when rising from deep, the friction helps the pod break.


Well-Known Member
She will be fine, little stunted at first but grow up into a normal plant, i have had many similar situations and were all fine, even pulled a cotyledon leaf off before and it grew ok.


Well-Known Member
Thanks you two! ;)

I checked on her today and she has good color still so that is a good sign.

I think not planting her deep enough could of been the problem. I never plant my seeds too deep, guess I should start. ;)

Pulled a cotyledon off? lol Thanks! You made me feel better. :p


Well-Known Member
Sometimes if you dont give the seed enough depth the root wont push into the soil and the seed just pops out on to the top of the soil, i give mine about half a centimeter but would feel safe giving them a whole centimeter. As long as there is some green left on the cotyledons or cotyledon in ,my case the plant will photosynthesis and grow.


Well-Known Member
By the way i have a question before i go to bed, is that how you water your seedling, just a splash around the stem leaving a lot of the soil dry?? i am just getting round to watering my seedlings a lot less as i always get purple stems and seems to be from overwatering, they always turn out allright after though just wanted to speed up growth and get the waterings right, i use to saturate the whole pot the seedling was in but it always took like two weeks to dry out and this was bad for the seedling. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I just watered after I pulled the shell off.

Normally I just sprinkle my humidity dome and a couple of drops around the base off the seed/seedling.