Seedling with no artificial light is ok?


Planning on outdoor but I just read to start seedling indoor with artificial light. Didn't realize I needed artificial light so I don't have any and seedlings are now 7 days old sitting on the windowsill. Will they be ok without the artificial light? Should I put them outside now to get more daylight than on the windowsill or what else should I do?

ky man

Well-Known Member
Planning on outdoor but I just read to start seedling indoor with artificial light. Didn't realize I needed artificial light so I don't have any and seedlings are now 7 days old sitting on the windowsill. Will they be ok without the artificial light? Should I put them outside now to get more daylight than on the windowsill or what else should I do?
yes put them outdoors so you don't stunt them,they will be fine moor son the beater they will grow just feed lite when first starting and give them all the water they will


yes put them outdoors so you don't stunt them,they will be fine moor son the beater they will grow just feed lite when first starting and give them all the water they will
Thanks, I put them out now but not sure if it should be in direct sunlight or shade. Also when is the best time to start feeding and is tomato feed ok to begin with or Miracle grow feed?


...and keep reading
Will do but there seems to be different info, like I read somewhere that it's best not to put them out until 4 to 8 weeks so it's a little confusing to know what the right thing to do is. Also I don't know how regularly to water the seedlings and when to feed, plus what feed etc..


They've been outside for nearly two hours and the largest seedling is starting to droop down and bend at a strange angle.


Keep it shaded today, then each day increase exposure to the sun. Within a week it will be strong enough to stay in sun all day.
Great, I'll try giving that a go. Thanks for the tip. What do you think about feeding nutrients? I haven't given them any so far but I've read that maybe it's too soon.


Pee is 11-2-1, just about as good a veg food as can be found. Just wait a couple three weeks to feed to the little one. Start off with about a 1/4 cup per gallon and see how she responds.
Thanks for the tip, very useful to know. I also just read somewhere that it's the first pee in the morning which is healthier and to not store it for too long because it builds up ammonia which can be harmful to the plants.


Well-Known Member
Pee is 11-2-1, just about as good a veg food as can be found. Just wait a couple three weeks to feed to the little one. Start off with about a 1/4 cup per gallon and see how she responds.
I pee on a big ol pile of used soil and random plant matter from my indoor. I figure all the N has got to help with breaking down any pieces of leaf, stem and root that's in there. It seems to be working. I'll be layering it in my potato bed this year.