Seedling with purple stem, normal?


Active Member
I am not sure of the exact strain of the plant (bag seed), but it came from some of the best weed I've ever smoked. It is 3 days old and has a bright purple stem. A saw somewhere that purple could show a MH definciancy, but haven't read anything about it on a seedling. Could it just be the strain? I have started the seed in Mirical Grow seedling starter. I know, should have used better soil, but will when I transplant. It gets sunlight during the day and Grow glo floresent tube at night, (6 hours of dark). Im in SW FL so days are hot and humid.



New Member
purple stems usually indicate too much water.(if its floppy).
the stem is the plants vain sucking up water for growth.
i have had this problem before unfortunately the sprout died.
you really want the stem dark green.


Well-Known Member
You probably are watering too much but I'm not sure if that's why the stalk is purple. I've had plenty of plants that look like that and then go on fine. I'm not saying it's great or happy time, but your plant will probably be just fine.

When they are seedlings like that you want to water them around 15-30ml of water a day, right on the base of the stem. This is to keep the tap root moist but not drown it.


Active Member
Hi Im new here and Im no expert but I have been growin a couple years. Most of my seedlings have a purple stem to start out.It usually starts to change fairly quick after second set of leaves


New Member
water around the stem to avoid root rot.water your plants from oustide the rim of the pots working inwards.that seedling looks drowned.keep the water away from the tap root for now and see how it turns out.
guaranteed the tap root/rootball is already soaked.


Active Member
Mine sprouted like this too. A lot of different seedings start out with a different colour stem. My guess is that the plant is forgoing chlorophyll production in the stem and instead devoting its energy to growing vertical so it can clear a path through the vegetation and litter that it expects in nature.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't put too much thought into it as it is still very young. I don't think it will remain like that, but keep us posted!