Seedlings curling up AND down. Please Help! w/ pics


Im not sure whats going on. This is my 4 grow. My first grow using genetics(previous grows were bag seeds). Some leaves are curling down and some are up. Im pretty sure I'm not over watering and I see no signs of insects.

Temp is around 75F Humidity 40-50%
Watering with 6.3ph
Soil is Biobizz All Mix.
CFL lights(same ones I always use for my seedlings)

1 Critical Mass 33
1 Jack 33.

photo 5.jpgphoto 4.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 1.jpg

p.s. sorry for the upside down pics. For some reason it happens when I upload them.
Sorry had I turned my head around I would've fall. They look ok to me... maybe you got tempted and fed too soon?
It's time to transplant'em to a bigger pot!
Looks good other than that,
The slight droop will slowly get worse till you do~
another reason for leaves to act like that is over watering. also they droop during the dark period so if you saw them down first thing in the morning it could be just fine