Seedlings growing very slowly...


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,

My seedlings are completely stopped growing, they have one set of true leaves.

I fed them .5 EC water (0.2 EC is base value, added 0.3EC grow formula).

Is .5EC too much?

I have flushed them, growing in coco. 82F

Any tips?

Will stressed seedlings become hermaphrodites???

Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Its under CFL T-5 @ 15,000 lux.

I have flushed them with plain phed water.

seems to have picked up on growth a bit...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
the first oval leaves that pop on a seedling are cotyledon leaves, they contain all the nutrients that were in the seed.
you don't need to feed a seedling anything till those leaves start to turn yellow and dry up.
if you've put the seedling in amended soil, you may not have to feed it for a month or more after it sprouts.
also, sorry bryan, but i would not spray them with water too much, if you don't make the roots look for water, they won't develop as fast as they should. don't ignore them and let them dry out, but if you spray the foliage too much the roots don't get the workout they should.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
by the way, i doubt a stressed seedling will turn hermie, if you stress it that much it'll probably just die.
just had this conversation in a different thread, veg is the time for any stress you want to put the plant through, try hard to have all that done by the time you flip, once they start to flower, they like as little stress as possible, thats when you get hermies


Well-Known Member
Start in small pots. Slow growing seedlings are usually the result of doing the first transplanting into a big pot. Seedlings first into dirt won't grow much above ground until the roots reach the inside of the pot. By TP'ing into a larger pot you will take longer for the roots to grow to the rim. Good rule of thumb for those confident in their transplanting skills - transplant early and often. I start in a 12 oz. solo cup then to a 3/4 gallon pot and finally to a 3 gallon pot to finish. So start them in small cups so the roots will hit the wall sooner. Once the roots do the plant will send more and more energy towards producing greenery. Not to worry - transplanted plants will continue to grow roots while the greenery fills in too.

Good luck, BigSteve.