Seedlings in need of assistance


Active Member
I'm new to growing and im about 2 1/2 weeks into my first grow. Over the course of the last 4-5 days my seedling has begun drooping / yellowing leaves / brown spots.I recently have thought it is due to over watering, but I'll let you be the judge of that. I did make the mistake of watering once a day so I haven't watered in a couple of days. I made the second mistake of adding nutes in after the first and second weeks (20-20-20 diluted to 1/3 strength) I'm currently under a 24 hour lighting schedule. I have no idea what the PH is and was going to go get a tester tomorrow. I am using 2 25 watt CFLs 1-3 inches away from my plant. The temperature is 80 degrees and the plant has sufficient air flow.

Any suggestions?...please help my dieing plants!



Well-Known Member
Looks like they need some more water, no more nutes until they are much bigger, and you should be good.


Well-Known Member
assuming the nutes aren't too excessive (that's a pretty high schedule for plants that size) unless they die on ya they should be back in 2-3 days (could be within 24 hours)certainly within a week. Good luck with the rest of our grow.


Active Member
dont use tin foil, use a big clean white bucket n put ur plant inside it 4 way better reflection thats what im doing with mine