Seedlings starting to fall! Help


Okay so my seedligs are about 1.5 weeks old now. There growing in a closet with a 20" gro-glo flourecent bulb under 24h that is about 3 inches away from the tops of the plants. They are in beer cups (no drainage) and get watered with a spray bottle. They get about 8 sprays in the morning an about 8 sprays at night. The plants are about 5-8" tall and most have only 2 sets of leaves. (long ass stems) there starting to fall over and I need some help!!


Active Member
They're falling because they're stretching too high because the light is weak... you need more light in order to keep them short and bushy.. CFL's are a good start for seedlings because the light is so bright and close..

Basically the plants are saying they want more light and they think they are underneath some bigger tree or bush that's eating all the light up, so it's putting all its energy into growing tall to get past the obstruction to get to the brightest light (direct sun).


Oh I see. Well there's not really a point of getting a better light because the temperature here all next week is highs of 25-29C and lows of about 11-16C and full sun everyday. So I am thinking of putting them out on Sunday (3 days from now)
Will they be fine for these 3 days until they go out?!


Well-Known Member
they'll be ok for a couple of days. you can always use a straw and string to hold the stem straight. when you re-plant outside bury the stem in dirt so there's only an inch above ground.


you need more cfl' at least 6 42 watt light bulbs you can get them at home depot they do work i've done this before and i got 3 oz per plant. They need to be at least 3 inch from the plant so they don't stretch. cfl's can't penatrate a plant any bigger then 2 feet .


Well-Known Member
Spraying them also causes similar leaning problems for me.

1st: Closer lights
2nd: Don't spray them, as the stem is not strong (Stretched) and the water you spray on them can cause them to lean/fall.....

Good luck!

FYI: The point regarding "Getting you lighting closer" is very much a BIG point.

Living in Ontario, even in the high 20's; they should still be where they need to be now; under some intense/close light.