Seedlings still small 10 days old


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone i have 2 seedlings going right now, my master kush was planted 10 days ago and sprouted about 8 days ago, my bo x og was planted 9 days ago and sprouted about 7 days ago, they are still pretty tiny, should i be worried? or is this the 2 weeks that they realy focus on their roots, heres what i did.

I started my seeds in paper towels, after 2 days i planted them in rockwool,(then they sprouted after roughly 2 more days) and when i seen the first roots coming out the bottom of the rockwool, i planted the whole rockwool cube in soil with about 30% perlite, the soil is multi purpose, iv vegged a plant in the same soil before, i cant realy remember how long it took to take a growth spurt so im asking here. I have 1 85 watt grow bulb (its pretty huge) and i have 1 30w and 1 20w just for added watts. Maybe around thursday-friday i will have a 250w cfl (with a reflector) amongs all that light.

so my question is basically, is there a 2 week period when the seedling will stay pretty small and focus on roots, after that they will take off right? I remember my old plant took of pretty fast at a window.

If nobody can diagnose this without pictures then ill upload some later, i know alot of people come on here and if there is no pics they wont answer. Like a childrens book or somthing lol

Btw they havent grown nodes or anything just the first set of true leaves i can just slightly see a new set of leaves growing of of one atm.

Also if the cold affects this then yeah i think i got what im looking for it gets around 75 during the day and at night when lights are off its goes way down to like 60-65 think ima scrap the 18/6 and do 24/0. The first 2 pics are of my bo x og, wtf is going on with that huh? idc because it was a freebie and the other 2 freebies i got never even germed. and the greener looking one (the smallest on the right) is my master kush.



Active Member
The temps aren't too bad really have you been feeding it nutes, how much water have you been feeding and how often, what's the humidity. I see you said you transplanted into multi purpose just make sure it's not too hot for young uns or that could be the problem. I'd make sure your thermometer works correctly and put it at the same level as your plants preferably closest possible to them to get more of an accurate reading to what your plants are receiving.


Well-Known Member
Yes my thermometer is stacked up on dvd cases at the same height as the seedlings, i was thinking they got shocked growing from rockwool to soil, or even i have seen the tems drop to 15c i think it was 50fh or somthing close. I have started a few seedlings in the same soil before only difference is now im using perlite. But as i said im hoping they are just getting their roots stuck in and over the next 2 weeks hoping they hit a growth spurt. No nutes, i water about 1 shot glass every time the soil is dry/when the pot is realy light, and stick my finger in about 1-2 inches in, if its dry that low then i water.
the multi purpose stuff said it is perfect for seedling/cuttings that why i got it.


Active Member
I don't know what to suggest then sorry, it maybe could be the temps but they still should at least grow, what colour are the stems?. I'd still wait another 5 days because it could be because you transplanted to soil but if you don't see any improvement after then, then you should start worrying. I don't meant to sound as if you've failed but do you have anymore seeds as a back up in case they take a turn for the worst. If you need to start some more i'd get the temps correct first to improve yield and quality of the end product.


Well-Known Member
Yes i got some backup seeds, im pretty sure its the transplant that shocked them, im already seeing a difference today, i germed some more seeds, but i think ima scrap the rockwool and only use soil i have got one in a solo cup with perlite and soil its less than a day planted and its taking off.


Active Member
The colour of your stems are not a good sign to be honest. If I was you i'd get them lights on 24/7 for a few weeks until they start properly vegging then they'll need to be on 18/6 but you'll need to figure out how to control lights off temp by then. To be honest you'll be better off ditching the old ones and making a fresh start with the ones you've just started. Seedlings suffering from too hot or too cold temperatures will normally grow their first set of leaves and not go any further. By the time your plants have recovered, the other plants will be just as big as the ones that stunted. Make a fresh start with fresh seeds and try not do the mistake again. Plants grow better the less times you stress them out.


Well-Known Member
1. Your growing medium is LARGE and will root before really growing much.
2. It may be a little wet and will stunt the growth a smidge.
3. If being fed it could become stunted and finally,
4. It's a seedling and it's green. give it time and let it grow.


New Member
Hi everyone i have 2 seedlings going right now, my master kush was planted 10 days ago and sprouted about 8 days ago, my bo x og was planted 9 days ago and sprouted about 7 days ago, they are still pretty tiny, should i be worried? or is this the 2 weeks that they realy focus on their roots, heres what i did.

I started my seeds in paper towels, after 2 days i planted them in rockwool,(then they sprouted after roughly 2 more days) and when i seen the first roots coming out the bottom of the rockwool, i planted the whole rockwool cube in soil with about 30% perlite, the soil is multi purpose, iv vegged a plant in the same soil before, i cant realy remember how long it took to take a growth spurt so im asking here. I have 1 85 watt grow bulb (its pretty huge) and i have 1 30w and 1 20w just for added watts. Maybe around thursday-friday i will have a 250w cfl (with a reflector) amongs all that light.

so my question is basically, is there a 2 week period when the seedling will stay pretty small and focus on roots, after that they will take off right? I remember my old plant took of pretty fast at a window.

If nobody can diagnose this without pictures then ill upload some later, i know alot of people come on here and if there is no pics they wont answer. Like a childrens book or somthing lol

Btw they havent grown nodes or anything just the first set of true leaves i can just slightly see a new set of leaves growing of of one atm.

Also if the cold affects this then yeah i think i got what im looking for it gets around 75 during the day and at night when lights are off its goes way down to like 60-65 think ima scrap the 18/6 and do 24/0. The first 2 pics are of my bo x og, wtf is going on with that huh? idc because it was a freebie and the other 2 freebies i got never even germed. and the greener looking one (the smallest on the right) is my master kush.
......idk dude they're real small...I'd say definitely not enough light....heres a 6 day old I got View attachment 2399575....she's under a 65watt cfl and 2 23watters all 2700 k....the lights u said u had were "grow lights"..???..maybe I read wrong....sorry if so...but I'd say it all has to do w ur lighting...they should b a lot bigger


Well-Known Member
The colour of your stems are not a good sign to be honest.
It may not mean anything is wrong with them, depending on the strain they could be fine, though you could be right :P

Your pots are quite large meaning it's likely to root quite a bit longer then it would say in a party cup. Another thing to consider is if the soil your using had any pre-added nutes, if it did going from a pure environment like a rockwool cube into soil with nutes could have shocked it badly in this case indicatoker420 is likely right.

The leaves look pretty healthy though so i'd say you're more then likely fine, they may be just slow starters. Also as you said, it gets quite cold during the night, meaning the plants wont flourish anywhere near as much as they would in optimal conditions which would of course cause slower grow rates. Try not to let it get too cold in the grow area otherwise you may just end up wasting your time. If it's warmer during the day then night run your lights during the night to help bring the temps up a bit, Another thing I'v done with my area is due to it being quite cold during the night I run my lights during the night and also have an incandescent ontop of my grow hood, this doesn't appear to burn or effect the plants but brings the grow area up to about 26 degrees Celsius and it's much cheaper then a heater.

If they don't pick up in 3-4 days I'd say plant some new seeds.


Well-Known Member
Thatnks everyone, i still have my master kush, the other one died. Im on 24/7 now Untill i get my heat mat to keep them cosy at night., I am already noticing a difference.


buying a heat mat seems a little extreme, just seems like more money, buy a smaller pot and start it out in there, it'll work wonders. but i wonder if a heat mat would even be suitable for the size (mainly height) of the planter you currently have it in?


Well-Known Member
I have found a few heatmats online for £11 it will at least keep the temps a little higher, since 15c is realy cold for them.