Seedlings stopped growing?


Active Member
Well I planted 2 seeds from a free sample pack from a seedbank, strains are White widow, Citral G13 and Jack Herer, however the seeds got mixed up. Anyway, they sprouted September 1st, and I have been seeing very little growth, if at all with one of them.
I've been 12/12ing them, as I got a bubba kush clone in the same room that I'm flowering :)

This one appears to be already producing trichomes, and the little bud/leaf thing in the middle looks like its covered in a layer of crystals, it also has 2 little orange hairs popping out. Any idea why this one is growing like this, instead of like the other seedling? It hasn't grown any more/different for the past week or 2.

As you can see this ones growing alright, however after almost 3 weeks I'm pretty sure it should be a lot bigger. This pic was taken a few days ago, but it still looks pretty much the same (except the cotyldons are a lot yellower and look super crispy)

I started feeding them every other day or so with maxigrow at 1/4 strength, and watering once a day, and thats all I've been using. Not sure if Maxigrow is bad for plants on 12/12 schedule though lol
They're under 2 13w cfls (one is 2700k ones 5000k) and 1 23w (2700k I think) in a small 1x1x2ft grow box lined with mylar

Any ideas? not enough light? Pots too small? overwatering?


Well-Known Member
Overwatered. Wait till its a lot bigger before you water every day. For now let the medium dry more till it recovers.


Well-Known Member
Also why are you flowering at that size? thats not helping growth either just 12 hours light.


Active Member
I've thought about that being the possibility, however the only time that I Do water them, I make sure the soil is not moist whatsoever up to my second knuckle deep. The soil tends to dry out kinda fast, like by the time I visit the plants the next day after watering, they're already dry again. Should I let them go for a whole day dry, instead of re-watering? I forgot to mention I have access to my plants 1 time per day for a few hours, so I try not to let them dry out too much, I'll let them go a couple days without watering and see where that gets me

I saw the 12/12 from seed thread. Figured why not, as the clone I got was used to identify sex of the mother so it was already flowering when I got her


Active Member
So should I switch my plants to 24/0 or 18/6 while the clone in the same growbox is already flowering? Can't that fuck her up to be a hermie? The clone was flowering when I got her so I didn't want to fuck up her lighting schedule


Active Member
he did get these seeds from a seed bank , your container is too small for the light hours your giving it


Well-Known Member
also try to get at least some 26 watts and no way you have trichomes that early that is the start of a new set of leaves not a tiny bud. and plants so young don't really need nutes. and go for a 18/6 lighting schedule, also eventually the cotyldons eventually fall off.


Active Member
also tryvfe to get at least some 26 watts and no way you have trichomes thatit early that is the start of a new set of leaves not a tiny bud. and plants so young don't really need nutes. and go for a 18/6 lighting schedule, also eventually the cotyldons eventually fall off.
well the new pair of leaves appear to be covered in trichomes! i didnt think it possible either, but those are either trichomes or...? no idea what else it it could be. it also has 2 little hairs coming out as if its a bud node site or. something. im switching the light schedule back to 18/6 so hopefully it will start growing more