Seedlings tall and skinny...


Active Member
So, I have a few seedlings in soil that are really tall and skinny and beginning to fall over. They haven't showed 2nd set of leafs yet... But are just growing straight up and not thickening..

They were under 2 27 watt 5000k cfl's and 2 13 watt 2700k cfls. I've just changed the lights out to 3 13 watt 2700 cfls, as I was thinking the seedlings were trying to stretch for the other lights. Are these lights good enough to bring up seedlings? I was planning on these plants to be my mothers.

What is going on? :wall:


bud bootlegger
you want the 6500k for seedlings, the 2700s are for flowering.. this maybe causing your stretch.. also, you want the lights about an inch or two away from the top of your plants, much further and your plants will get stretchy.. you can repot them and move the stems much deeper into the soil to help support the plants.. go ahead and plant them all the way down to the first set of leaves and move the lights closer and you should be good..


Well-Known Member
Also, some reflectors will greatly improve the quantity of light reaching the plants, which could be contributing to your problem.


Active Member
So, I have a few seedlings in soil that are really tall and skinny and beginning to fall over. They haven't showed 2nd set of leafs yet... But are just growing straight up and not thickening..

They were under 2 27 watt 5000k cfl's and 2 13 watt 2700k cfls. I've just changed the lights out to 3 13 watt 2700 cfls, as I was thinking the seedlings were trying to stretch for the other lights. Are these lights good enough to bring up seedlings? I was planning on these plants to be my mothers.

What is going on? :wall:
i had a similar problem but i just forced the plant around the pot and this is what i ended up with. She was small but it was an expieriemental grow during a texas winter. Check out the spiral stem. I was pleased and she ended smoking nice.



Active Member
Thanks for all the replies. I added soil all the way to top of pots to support them and moved the lights closer, about 2" above or so. I am still using 4 13-watt 2700k cfls for now... I'm out of mylar right now but I'll get some soon for the area and will be changing to the daylight cfls in a few days when I can grab some.

Boom Whomp, that's the craziest stem I've ever seen. Thanks for posting the pics. Also, I'll be starting a grow journal soon on my led grow if all works out here...

Happy Tokin...