

Active Member
Question... I am germinating my seeds now. I have a 250w MH lamp. I am planning on putting the planted seeds under the 250w MH. I cannot go out and purchase any new lights, I am broke. How can I go about growing the seedlings with a 250w MH??? How far should I keep the light from the pots and how will I know if it is too hot for them?? will it work :confused:


I got a 400MH about 4' high and 3 clones in 3 gal pots sitting on milk crates and there doing great I got a seedling in a Hydrofarm bucket sitting on the floor and it seems okay. Their getting about 2000-3000 ftc's if that helps>? And don't let them get to hot. I don't think that be a problem with that 250.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
ideally you want to put seedlings under a weak cfl, but no bother - just start off with mh high enough above the seedlings so that they dont get roasted in the heat - but not so high that they end up stretching =S - it is a very delicate balance. a good rule of thumb is that if you hold your hand under the light and you can feel it warming your hand, then that is too close.

despite their fragility, seedlings are pretty tough man - my most recent seedlings were under high 80s heat and got nute burned badly, but still pulled through! just make sure the temp isn't too high, keep the humidity 40+ and have a fan blowing over them (enough so that their leaves are fluttering slightly) and they will be fine!

hope this helped mate, peace n love!


Active Member
your the one asking common sense please don't question my knowledge based a litte bar in the corner.

I questioned your knowledge because of your inane answer to my "common sense" question. I'm looking for some actual help here, not arrogance, attitude or ambiguity. If anyone else wants to help answer my "common sense" question please feel free... and to the dudes who provided me with legitimate answers, thanks! :peace: I am really just concerned with getting the seeds to sprout through the soil, and just wasn't sure if this was possible using a MH lamp, I thought maybe it would dry the soil out too quickly and prevent the seeds from sprouting


Well-Known Member
you don't need any light to sprout at all. Once they break the surface is when you need lights.


Active Member
you don't need any light to sprout at all. Once they break the surface is when you need lights.

So you're tellin me I just put the germinated seeds into the soil and I dont have to put them under any kinda light ?? they will grow on their own?? :confused: i was under the impression that I had to place them under a light after putting the seeds in the soil in order for them to begin growing and break through the top. I am so confused. I've been doing a lot of reading and watching but they never go into detail enough about the small things for me to figure out how to do em. I guess they just assume the average person knows how to grow a plant already. Sadly, I have no idea what I'm doing, I've never planted anything from seed (or indoors) in my life. So the bottom line is.. I just can just place the germinated seeds into their cups of soil, place them on the floor in my dark closet with no light, wait a few days and the seedlings will pop out?? Why do they leave this part out of most grow guides (i guess they just figure people know this much already)... god I feel stupid


Well-Known Member
you don't need any light to sprout at all. Once they break the surface is when you need lights.

Bingo, bango. The gentleman above me is correct. They don't need light until they've broken soil.

And yes, if the lights are too hot it WILL dry out the soil too quickly and kill your seeds before they even have a chance.

I killed a batch of seeds under a T5, which barely gets WARM, because they dried out under the light.

Wait until they break soil and then get them under the lights. Like the other person said, put your thermometer at soil level and adjust the lights accordingly. You want them as close as you can get without raising the temps above 85-90 degrees.


Well-Known Member
So you're tellin me I just put the germinated seeds into the soil and I dont have to put them under any kinda light ?? they will grow on their own?? :confused: i was under the impression that I had to place them under a light after putting the seeds in the soil in order for them to begin growing and break through the top. I am so confused. I've been doing a lot of reading and watching but they never go into detail enough about the small things for me to figure out how to do em. I guess they just assume the average person knows how to grow a plant already. Sadly, I have no idea what I'm doing, I've never planted anything from seed (or indoors) in my life. So the bottom line is.. I just can just place the germinated seeds into their cups of soil, place them on the floor in my dark closet with no light, wait a few days and the seedlings will pop out?? Why do they leave this part out of most grow guides (i guess they just figure people know this much already)... god I feel stupid
Most guilds on germinating seeds will tell you that. You take the seeds and put them in a moist papertowel in a ziplock bag and throw it in the cupboard above your fridge in the dark, check em in like 24hrs, some should have sprouted by then, and then plant them in whatever your grow medium of choice and stick em back in the cupboard and when the seedling breaks the surface, time to get em under the lights.

No need to feel stupid, how do you think anyone learns? Now you do know.