

Active Member
wen shud i start feeding my seedlings some nutes? plz help
You shouldn't... i would only reccomend using nutes about 3 weeks after germination, if you have to use nutes cause of your soil medium or something just use a fish emulsion mixed with water. when using nutes you want to introduce everything slowly, use only 1/4 of the reccomended dosage every two weeks and then increase it by 1/4 after 2 weeks of that etc untill you reach full dosage, just like humans plants need everything in moderation


Active Member
Depends on your soil if you're using it as all. Some like to wait until the plant tells you by showing slight signs of deficiencies. I personally practice that method. If you have a high quality soil I would say between 2 and three weeks of age. If not so high quality, it would likely be much sooner. You should probably start them off slowly, gradually building the amount of nutes you administer to higher doses.


Active Member
Dont give your plant any nutes until its 3 - 4 weeks old, and that is of course if your soil you are using doesnt have any nutes in them. most will say it will feed 2 months or 3 months right on the from of the bag. When you start your nutes start it at a 1/4 strength every time you feed and work your way up to full strength. Remember more nutes (than what is recommended) doesnt mean more growth out of your plants....i know people that think this way about medication lol!