

Well-Known Member
let it tell you when it needs nutes, and at that just do it at 1/4 strength. the baby leaves will turn yellow. then feed it. Unless you put it in soil with a time release fert in it. Plant outside when about 10 inches to a foot tall.


Well-Known Member
1/4 strength nutes in the starting soil is fine. That has hardly anything in it. I would still wait until the bottom leaves turn yellow.


Well-Known Member
i dont fert my little guys. theres enough in the mix. plenty in fact until they get big enough to get potted into 2qt. pots. idk. i see so many nute burn issues and i know my mix is full of life.


Active Member
It will be in Mircale Gro seed starter then goin into fox farm when it goes outside..
If you are going to FoxFarm's next, like another poster said, wait for the plant to tell you.
Fox Farm is great soil (I only use Ocean's, but that happy frog bag aint bad either) and you might over feed your plants if you're not very careful.