

My seedlings are 5 days old in soil and are about 3-4 inches long under 2' t5 flourescent. Are they too long at this stage?


Active Member
I always lower my t5 floresents to about 1-6inches from the tops of my plants as this seems to keep them from stretching so much. 3-4 inches isn't so bad if they start to fall over just make a small support out of wire to hold them up. Google or research for some common plant support ideas . I usually just make a penny sized cirlcle from a short peice of wire then bend it so I can stake it in the ground and have the seeding come through the circle .


Well-Known Member
I save the little wire ties from bread bags, etc. and use them to make seedling braces. Find the larger 3-inch toothpicks
and wrap a tie wire around one end of the t'pick. Voila! One seedling tie.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Ok so I managed to prop her up so far so good, got the lights about 2"
couple of questions tho. Since the lights been close the top of the soil and the perlite is going green? And I can just see roots at the drainage holes when should I repot?