

Well-Known Member
My seedlings have been in 4 24 hours now, nothin poppin up yet, should i be worried, i am feeding the measured out molasses water, just makin sure the soil stays nice and damp all the time, How am i supposed 2 tell if they have enough?? and should i be worried im seeing nothing? ive heard of plants sprouting after 12 hours.


Well-Known Member
yeha, but most don't sprout that fast, give them about a week or 2. then be worried.


Well-Known Member
Oh, ok, well i dug one of my 18 up just to check, and they r starting to rise. but not much, but im not to worried now, but im still not sure how much i should water it, so far ive been making it so the soil is always really damp. is that good or not anyone know?


Well-Known Member
Thats Not Good. Water Them 1 Time Per Day, When On 12/12 Only 1 Every 2 Days. You Should Use Just Pure Water Untill There 1 1/2" Long


Well-Known Member
I am just using pure water now. And watering them once a day, i just water until all the soil is Damp. and as for lights. Im using natural sunlight, i got a painted white display around my window with my 18 seedlings in a tray infront of my window. the window gets good sunlight, there actually gonna be outdoor plants after hopefully about a month. depending.


Well-Known Member
No, not yet, they just finished germinating yesterday. i dug one up just to make sure they were doin sumthin. and there startin to grow under the soil. thank god. obviously, this is my first grow. any tips would be well appreciated


Well-Known Member
i would avoid ever digging them up after you've planted them. That is just a better way to mess them up. You could break the root off then nothing will ever pop up. You could have something that will contaminate the small seeding. Its not worth the risk. Just let nature do its trick.
As far as any tips go, best method for me would be to keep them in between 2 ceramic plates inside some wet paper towels. keep it somewhat warm 70-80 degrees id suggest. within a few days they will pop. put them in a soil-less medium on top of a seedling warming pad. no light is needed until they pop up in a few days.

good luck.


Well-Known Member
There already in soil. Just waiting for them. i'll be so relieve when something shows. But whats a Soil less medium?


Well-Known Member
its just organic. there are no ferts to mess your plant. don't worry too much. what soil are you using?


Well-Known Member
Well, i got Hydronex soil, Which comes wth no nutes, its mostley Peat. and i mixed that with a lighter less mucky soil i had in a big pot in my room. Im not sure what kind it is but it had plenty of perlite in it, Which the Hydronex lacked. The result is a nice relatively fine spongy healthy feeling soil.


Well-Known Member
Do you by any chance know what the little yellow balls that are in The other soil i mixed in from my room Might be? i googled it and didnt get nothin.??


Well-Known Member
Oh, well it aint gonna hurt anything is it?? considering its mixed wth the Hyponex. And theres not many of them at all. theres just a few here and there, And if you got MSN messenger add me its or yahoo or if you have AIM tell me it and i can add to my MSN. Just so we can talk more and quicker, im gunna have tons of questions thru the growing process lol


Well-Known Member
Thats good, im so god damn nervous. i have 18 of them in right now, in plastic cups with drainage holes cut in bottom. i'll be happy if i can get 3-4 good plants by the time there done. Thats my goal, and it makes it even harder because i have no grow lights, right now there in my window on a tray ontop of a box. with a cardboard display painted white around them. they get pretty good sun there. and on good days im gonna put them outside


Active Member
i germinated my seeds sunday night and now they are popping....what happends if the white part is totally seperated from the seed casing? can u still plant that? thanks