Seeds didnt sprout!!!!!! help me please

I germinated 10 seeds with no problems and put them in some miracle gro potting soil and nothing .... they have been there for a week and i moved a little dirt to find duds..they are dead..i had 3 others i did the same thing with no problems what am i doing wrong?


Probably too high a concentration of nutes in the mg soil. you should mix your own soil using perlite vercumulite peat moss and regular soil. ~25% each for best results. I am willing to bet the mg killed them though. were they random seeds or did you purchase them online? better luck next time mate.
They were lemon skunk and afghan seeds from over the internet ..kinda pissed but next time ill use diffrent soil for big do you think the plants will be in say 2.5 to 3 months outdoors?