seeds for me


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here gotten seeds from seeds for me. they have a pretty round about way of processing payments. I'm not sure how i feel about it so any experience that you could share would be appreciated.
Has anyone here gotten seeds from seeds for me. they have a pretty round about way of processing payments. I'm not sure how i feel about it so any experience that you could share would be appreciated.
Just ordered some a few hours ago. Waiting for next email with directions.
I also ordered yesterday using my cash app. you enter your cash app and they will send you a request for your exact total. I didn't receive any tracking so Im kinda nervous now lol but if I get them ill keep you updated.

Ordered online with cash app (ordering from Michigan, for anyone else from here wondering)

Got 3 free seeds with order

Next day asked for cash app amount for the total, I sent it.

Waiting for some type of tracking or package lol....(just realized I didn't pay for the $20 guaranteed shipping for tracking smh oh well fingers crossed)

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Edit: so i did get tracking a few days later in my emails. Tracking was pretty slow but spot on. Tracking says it should’ve been here today but nothing yet and mail already came. Mail has been late here so I’ll give it an extra day
I just ordered from seeds for me. I always skipped over them in the past because of a lack of info on their legitimacy. That being said I recently found them in the list of vendors on the Dynasty’s site. It doesn’t get more legit than that so I gave them a shot. After placing my order I received an email confirmation (it was in my spam). No emails after that about shipping or tracking. On the bright side before I could get pissed off or worried enough to start in on the emails the order showed up. It was placed on Thursday and arrived on Monday. This is the first and only experience I’ve had with seeds for me. I wanted to share my experience For anyone trying to make an educated purchase. Hope this helps.