seeds germ problem

I started germinating a batch of God Bud seeds a little over a week ago. I let them soak in water for 24 hours, then placed them in damp paper towel. most of the seeds cracked in the first 24 hours. and within 48 hours the small roots emerged. Over the next 4 days the roots have grown an absolutely minimal amount, the longest of which is not even half a centimeter. I have never seen such slow growth before. Is this common or should i be worried about my babies?
From what I've been taught, Ive been letting them germ until the roots were an average length of half an inch. Is this something i should stop? should i be planting them as soon as a root tip emerges, or as soon as the seed cracks? and if so, should i be introducing the light to them as soon as the plant sprouts from the medium?