Seeds Germinated... but now...


Well-Known Member
Hey all.
So I germinated my seeds... they cracked with a starter root about 1/2" long... popped them onto soaked rockwool cubes, placed them into a bowl with plastic wrap over it, and placed them under a cfl light to keep them warm. One sprouted yesterday morning... with the seed still on the sprout... the other is still in the rockwool. The sprout hasn't grown since yesterday... and still wears his little hat (seed). The stem is nice and green??? Any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
I call my seedlings with seeds on top Helmet Heads...hehe

I have found that sometimes my first node is a little odd like Microracer said.

This last 6 plants I have germinated all have their little hats on. I have to wonder if there is something I am doing or not doing that causes this. The strains are completely different, White Rhino, Lemon Skunk and some bag seed.

My two plants that are into flowering had their two beginner leaves stuck(sorry can not recall what the two unserrated leaves are called) together for a long time after the helmet went away. The poor new leaves had to work their way around and look fairly odd.

Have to wonder WHY.


Well-Known Member
Pics attached. No growth or movement in 2 days... The big sprout looks like he is browning at the top of the stem, under the "hat". Thoughts... do I start over??? Have I killed them :-(? My Rockwool is wet... is it too wet??? Thx



Well-Known Member
Mine is about a week in... and when it first started once the sprout came it as the leaves popped out the leaves knocked the shells right off... the plant will be fine if you leave it alone... although i did knock 1 off and it seems to be growing just fine...


Well-Known Member
as for the rockwool i'm not 100% sure but in my first attempt i believe my rockwool got too wet and it was the reason for killing of my first sprout...


Well-Known Member
I soaked the rockwool before i dropped my spouts in... was that wrong.... should it drop it into a dry cube and add just a little water? When i put it in the bowl... I put a little water in the bottom of the bowl as well. Thanks for all the help. Im a first time grower... well Ive gotten as far as killing sprouts... so i wouldn't call myself a grower yet.


Well-Known Member
you should just start them from seed in the rockwool. you dont have to germinate them with any special method. i plop my seeds in dirt and water it. only water it until some water is dripping off. you dont want it soaked. keep it damp.

leave the "helmet" on until it pushes itself off. its like a gay man in the closet, it will come out when its ready. dont force it.

ive never used rockwool before so i dont know whats going wrong. i see the browning, and it doesnt look good. look dead possibly. give it a few more days though.

How close are the lights? you should have cfl's within inches. and you shouldnt need the plastic wrap overtop. just get the light as close as possibly. in the beginning stages they are looking for warmth and light. try and get them a temp of about 20C.

hope this helps!


Active Member
The rock wool is slightly too alkaline, and I've always read that you should soak it overnight distilled water (ph corrected to 5.5). I also recently germinated and then planted a sprout in rockwool, it made an appearance yesterday and is fine.

That rockwool does look wet though, what are you resting it on? I place my rockwool on a stand that has holes so that water can drain from the rockwool, are you placing it on a solid surface?

eta: sorry, just re-read about placing it in bowl...yeah, don't do that (unless it's to pre-soak it before planting the sprout in)...the rockwool needs to drain (rockwool already has pretty good water retention).


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the replys... My one lil girl is dead :( The brown spot on the stem has dried up and the seed helmet it hanging on by a thread. The other one may have a chance. I got the water out of the rockwool, so now it just damp.
So here is my plan... I dropped 2 seeds into my lil germination set up (seeds into damp paper towel, into ziplock, into DVD case, onto Cable box). I will let them crack and will drop it into DAMP rockwoll. I will pick up distilled H2O tomorrow. I placed one bag seed into damp rockwool and placed it onto the DVD case just to see what happens. So I will try it again. Live and learn. Any other suggestions, please let me know. Thx.


Well-Known Member
to start my rockwool cube i soaked it in ph adjusted water (about 1/4 inch in depth) and let it soak until i could see the water beginning to fill soak up through the top... then i take it out and give it a couple shakes to get a bit of water out and open up some air pockets. then i put my seed in and i used a tuppaware container as a humidity dome under my lights until i saw good root development then i set it up in my net pots.

Hope some of this helps


Well-Known Member
skoooot just put the seed directly into the soaked rockwool. do what the other guy said and sit the dry cube in some water till it soaks to the top, then shake the drops off... lightly. two little shakes should do it. drop the seed in. put it on a plate and put it in a cupboard or in your sock drawer... anywhere you dont go often lol. it will pop up in a couple days. leave the helmet on. wait for some roots to show then plant it in whatever your going to plant it in.


Well-Known Member
good point extortion22... i placed mine under the lights right away but in a sense it is not needed until the sprout actually pops out...


Well-Known Member
good point extortion22... i placed mine under the lights right away but in a sense it is not needed until the sprout actually pops out...
exactly, and by leaving it in a dark place it wont dry out as fast. as soon as you see it sprout put it under a light because it will be looking for warmth. otherwise it will stretch. my biggest one right now was sprouted in my cupboard for a day before it got light. it looks great now.


Well-Known Member
Yep, looks like you guys already covered most of my thoughts. Condition your rockwool with ph 5.5 distilled water, no nutrients needed, and don't over soak your rockwool, make sure you shake some of the water out. I killed about 15 seedlings my first attempt at growing by trying to baby them too much.

Got 6 purps seedlings going right now and they are doing just fine I leave them alone and just make sure the conditions are alright.