Seeds got moldy are they done?


Active Member
3 days in paper towels.
My seeds went green, I know what I did wrong, I did not get enough water out of the first few packs.
The laster packs all busted out.

Can I clean the mold out and do something?

They were cookies


New Member
Not sure of your situation exactly due to the wording above , but once molded the chances of survival are slim to none . You can sterilize them with a bleach water solution and try again if they are not soft .


Well-Known Member
If they don't grow tails/ tap roots within three to five days of being paper troweled, they're bad seeds. Remember that the brown seeds are most likely to germ, as they are mature (compared to pale white seeds). GL


Active Member
all mature and all brown. It was me, I left to much water in the packets of paper towels.

all the mold came off and they are rock hard. thanks,