Seeds I cross won't germinate!


Active Member
I crossed ak47xblueberry with nlights. Full of seeds, probably like two hundred. Waited until they were open and about to fall out, when plant was nearly ready to harvest. Seeds are dark brown, big and have black streaks on them. They look beautiful but the only thing is: THEY WON'T GERMINATE! I've never had a problem germinating any seeds. I've tried several. They've been wet in towel for about five days now and nothing. Any way they could be screwed up and sterile? Any suggestions or ideas?



Active Member
ohhhhhh...Well thats good to hear. So I should just let them sit in room tempature to cure or is their anything special to it?


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Let 'em mellow for a spell. Keep in mind, they were produced in the 'fall' (granted an artificial fall) and are meant to germ in the spring.

Figure when the bud is dried and cured, the seeds should be just about ready too.