Seeds in Germ. [Question]


Well-Known Member
Ok, here's one I've been thinking 'bout while smokin' on this bowl.
If a seed doesn't sprout in germ could you let it dry and try again?
Lets say if you have a few bombass seeds but a few don't germ, let em dry or throw em away? I'm jus' thinking in the future when I buy some bombass seeds. I'm leaning towards ICE from Nirvana. :weed:

Can anyone help?



Well-Known Member
well if you put em in the paper towel with seeds that do germinate, and those seeds dont chances are you have a bad seed or its just taking a little longer for that seed to germinate but letting em dry wouldnt be such a good idea because the embryo of the seed would be like either have water in it or it will be a live and keeping the seeds damp during germination is the wat you should be aim for so yeah if you dont plan on using the seeds i wouldnt even try to germinate em.....hope it helped


Well-Known Member
It did, so if they don't sprout only thing to do besides throwing it out would be keeping it damp and hoping for the best?



New Member
A good rule of thumb is if you dont see any results in 2 weeks.. There dead. Keep trying untill then and keep the warmth at a constant temp and keep them moist and in the dark for 2 weeks.. If you dont see any progress then the seeds are 99% likely to be dead.But dont throw them out till after 14 days.