Seeds not growing, help!

so I germinated my seeds and then i went to a hydroponic store and he recommended since I didn't have a dome to put my seeds in rockwool and then in a zip lock bag to act like the dome. So i did this on Friday 10/21 and now it is six days later and they are not really growing.

I have taken them out of the bag and rewatered them today, 10/27 and lowered the light to about a foot above. I used filtered water. No I did not pre soak the rockwool before.

What am i doing wrong and how can I make these things grow? is it too late?View attachment 1859015View attachment 1859018View attachment 1859019View attachment 1859020View attachment 1859021View attachment 1859022


Well-Known Member
Are you sealing the bags? If you are then definitely don't, they look over-watered and unhappy to me. Using organics, watering is more like minimal and every 2-3 days, but I dunno about rockwool evaporation rates or how you plan on growing. Never water until the medium is close to completely dry, and at first sprout only slightly more than that to keep it moist.

I've never used a dome from seed, and my first instinct would be to remove them from those bags and see if you can pull off the shells without disturbing the sprouts too much. Then, the light will maybe get absorbed enough to encourage some growth and they'll bounce back, but I honestly don't know if they will after that many days. If there's too much water absorbed already it's anyone's guess if it will evaporate fast enough for them to recover, or if they will suffocate.

If you're wanting to do a soil grow, put the cubes into dry soil asap and maybe it will leech some water out if they're too saturated. I wish you luck.
i did seal the bags but the last couple of days I didnt seal it and actually today three of the rockwools were pretty dry. I planned on doing a DWC grow. Not sure if i should really try to take off the shell, kind of scared to do that. Hopefully me taking it out of the bag and lowering the light will help.


Sector 5 Moderator
My first bit of advice is to stay the hell away from that hydro shop; the person doesn't know his ass from asphalt. Rapid Rooters are the way to go when sprouting seeds. I have almost 100% success with them. You are always going to get some non-viable seeds but if they are going to pop, they will do it in Rapid Rooters and they are almost fool proof.
rapid you germinate with rapid rooters, or do you germinate and then place into rapid rooters? do you think they are savable?


Well-Known Member
Ok good, don't close them again completely , halfway if you do at all maybe.

Removing shells is definitely a bit scary, but if you attempt it just take your time, and try to split the shell more so it just comes off, it doesn't take much. I've done this before with a sprout that was all but done as soon as it shot up, probably an old seed, and even the first leaves were half-dead to begin with. I tried to keep the shell in place while somehow splitting it more with my other hand or by gently prying or squeezing with tweezers or something. It ended up getting a slow start, but grew perfect new leaves and eventually did great and probably would have died if I hadn't intervened.

Whether you attempt it or not though, I hope it works out ;)


Sector 5 Moderator
rapid you germinate with rapid rooters, or do you germinate and then place into rapid rooters? do you think they are savable?
I put the seeds into the Rapid Rooters and put them under a dome with about 1/4" of water in the bottom part. I have that on a heat mat for seeds. A heat mat is the best investment you'll ever make when it comes to germing seeds. I leave them in the RR's but if you catch them early and tear the RR's open *very* gently, you can put them into RW if you like.