seeds not sprouting :(


Well-Known Member
Anybody ever order seeds from herbies b4. I ordered 3 vision NL autos 2 sprouted but that was it just a little tail and 3 auto sour diesel haze seeds and I got nothing from all of them. I had them in those Pete pettets for about 2 weeks b4 dug them out to see what was going on. Had them sitting on my deck nice sunny days mabe it was the seeds or I watered them to much idk. What I do know was the seeds were very small compared to bag seed. Mabe when I order more seeds tell them to picme out some nice ones since I spent about $50 for nothing lol.


Well-Known Member
Did the seeds swell and crack at all?? Couldent imagine it would be too much water as I have tried sprouting in a cup of water in a dark place until they swell n crack and its worked fine for me maybe dud seeds??


Well-Known Member
Next time you get seeds soak them in a shot glass of water for at least six hours stir them around and if they sink plant if they hover plant if they float keep in the shot glass for 24hrs then plant. i bought seeds not from those guys but someone else and one was split and i still got it to sprout.


Well-Known Member
Ok I used the seeds I got for free with my last order 2 female strawberry blues and 4 reg. Hawaiian skunk haze, and 1 purple haze seed from a friend. I did what you said and soaked the seeds in a shot glass they sank and I put them in there 3 gallon pots with ff soil and put cfl lights over them. 3 days later they all sprouted and are about a half inch tall now. They have been on 24 hrs basically since I put them in dirt. My questions now are when should I ditch the cfls and start using my hps lights?? 2- 400w. And what light cycle should I use while in veg 18-6?? 20-4??20140608_230655.jpg20140608_225251.jpg


Well-Known Member
Are they autoflowers?Its ok to run cfls and floros all through vedg You can vedg as long as you want I like to run them 24 hours a day no break. as they grow up you will want to plant them deeper all the way up to the sprout leaves.I would give them some time first let the stem grow about 4inches then go deeper all the new stem will be root base.


Well-Known Member
I have seen seedlings stretch up to six inches before. Its best to fill the pots in with soil after they stretch. If you dont you will be posting a new thread called help my seedling is falling over.


Well-Known Member
Lol I got it. They are NOT autoflowers. Can I do 20-4 I would like to give my window ac a break at least for 4 hrs a day. And I will fill dirt on stretched stem I have about 3 inches I can fill till it gets to top of pot. So are you saying dont use my hps lights till flower time?


Well-Known Member
Anybody ever order seeds from herbies b4. I ordered 3 vision NL autos 2 sprouted but that was it just a little tail and 3 auto sour diesel haze seeds and I got nothing from all of them. I had them in those Pete pettets for about 2 weeks b4 dug them out to see what was going on. Had them sitting on my deck nice sunny days mabe it was the seeds or I watered them to much idk. What I do know was the seeds were very small compared to bag seed. Mabe when I order more seeds tell them to picme out some nice ones since I spent about $50 for nothing lol.
Next time i would use the paper towel method, those pellets r made to moderate water to babies, but they must not have done their job if u fear it was a moisture issue. Also, you dont want your seeds in direct sunlight, u want them in a dark warm place. I germinate mine in paper towerl in a ziplock bag, between two opaque paper plates on top of my laptop charger and router (warmth). This may be the reason for your low success rate. Herbies has a good reputation, but every bank gets bad seeds sometimes so its also possible u just got some bunk seeds.