Seeds ordered - Delivered to someone else - Really Worried - Please advise..


Active Member's my deal

I ordered some seeds from Attitude.

Ive ordered from them before - never having a problem, in fact I reccomend Attitude highly (no pun intended) for several reasons....

At any rate, my last order got stuck in NYC with the "Origin Post is Preparing Shipment" message fromthe USPS tracking site

Not sure if this ever was the case before in previous orders, this is the first time Ive noticed

Anyway...the tracking from USPS said that for about a week. I checked the forums, apparantly that was a common I didn't worry

But now - today I checked the tracking, and apparantly it was delivered on Dec someone elses house

USPS traking only mentions my Zip Code and address....

Now I realize, this is not THe Attitudes' fault, and its not even the USPS - its the actual Mail-person, who delivered it to the wrong address.....

That's enough to piss me off as it is, because someone is not looking on the package closely - and seeing that I don't live at the address its being dropped of at...but someone else does....

(unless somone else in my neighborhood as the exact same name....I can assure you - the chances of that are very very slim....even finding someone else in this counrty with my exact name is a thousand to one - at worst - my name is that unique....)

Now....its bad enough if I lost the money I spent on the seeds, and the two weeks of time to re-order - or for Attitude to re-ship.....(if they in fact agree to do that) - considering that it didn't get lost in Customs. got lost my human error..... but....

Here's what I am VERY worried about:

I live in a small a state where the MJ laws are well.....fucked - to put it bluntly.

If someone actually opens up this letter from Amsterdam....out of curiosity or otherwise....and finds MJ seeds.....

...on a letter with MY NAME AND ADDRESS on the envelope.....


So you understand my concern?

Am I potentially fucked here?

Let me put it this way....these arent' the first seeds I've ordered.....meaning....IM GROWING

Do I need to worry that some potential Goody-Goody calls the local cops, or feds maybe?

Do I need to break down and destroy my garden and leave town before the Bulls come busting down my door?

Seriously....if anyone thinks I'm being paranoid...YOURE DAMN RIGHT

The state I live in, I could get thrown in the box (as well my family) for a long time.

I guess what I'm asking for here is advice.

Am I overreacting?

Am I right to be scared?

Do I destroy my garden and leave town?

Part of me thinks....if they open my mail - they're breaking the law as well ....but FUCK...if cops want to bust you - they will bust you - that's my experience....

If I were in California - I simply wouldn't care....

But I'm not - and I really don't know what to do here......

(feeling) Really really fucked and worried here.....

I'm looking for (mature - and maybe even some legal) advice please....




Well-Known Member
maybe the person that received ur package will be nice enough to return it to you. ive had that happen before.. but now with seeds.. goodluck


Well-Known Member
I hate to be the voice of reason, cause I know I would just ride it out, but if you have kids and a house to lose then you should ditch the grow. Hurts to think about but ditch it and start growing again in a month or so worry free. Like I said, I would ride it out but I dont have kids and I am pretty stupid.


New Member
Stopping the grow isn't a bad idea.
Not sending things to your grow site is a better one.
I have a somewhat uniquie perspective I guess as technically it is unlawful for who ever recieved them to open the package=Federal,
so if I were a non-grower and I openend someone else's mail. (I have done it before, not beans) I would pitch it and keep my mouth shut or
give them to someone I knew, who could use them.
No matter what you decide to do, don't use your real addy in a non-legal situation ever again, equipment or genetics.
That is right up there with, tell no one. IMO
Best of luck