Seeds popped them disappeared!


What's wrong with my English can you not understand abbreviated text that is used these days.I put this in your so called English so you understand what I am saying, if there is any further problems with my text then certainly it is no problem for me to translate it into plain English so you can fully understand,

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
What's wrong with my English can you not understand abbreviated text that is used these days.I put this in your so called English so you understand what I am saying, if there is any further problems with my text then certainly it is no problem for me to translate it into plain English so you can fully understand,
thats much better. welcome back

now please tell us what happened


i put seeds in kitchen roll i then mist them as ive done loads of times before i repeat this 4-5 times a day,this is done in a propagator with a mat to hold moisture and on day 2 they were starting to shoot so thought happy days got these goin cant wait,wrong day 3 went back for a peek an the we shits had gone.i have been doin al sorts for years now this is a first for me and was wandering what anyone thought of said situation,comprendre now?.i know im new in here but im by no means new,75 isnt my age just the year i arrived on this green green earth,may it still stay that way for us all.sorry about the start of this all i was in a panic and trying to get advice asap,by the way when you hold buds like that your not unlucky,anyway any thoughts as im using the right text for everyone to understand would be gratefully my defense i was pretty wasted,lol,big bud really f"s me right up so they are probably there just saw me coming an hided,il look again tomorrow but this time they wont hear me coming,glad yas had a laugh with my indiscretions/

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
so are you saying the germinated seeds were gone or i assume just the tap roots were gone?

either way i am sorry but i do not have a clue.


Well-Known Member
lol mate creeping up on them now thats funny ;-), if there not out now it looks like there duds. why spray kitchen roll ?,this is how i do it, 2paper towels fold in half put them in a bowl run the tap over them till damp, get the seed give the pointy end a quick rub with sand paper then put them on the edges of the dish then get 2more sheets of kitchen roll fold them and wet with tap water then put that over the seeds in the bowl put the bowl on top of the fridge and go back to it every day and if it needs it,run the tap on slow flow and the paper towel will soke up all the water,if there is any left in the bottem of the bowl its ok as the seeds are high up on the sides, fuck that spraying 4/5 times a day..... ;-)


Well-Known Member
a cat perhaps, or as i suggested earlier, the work of the Prince of Darkness. sometimes ya hafta scratch yer head and laugh, and walk away. i think its one of those times.


Active Member
so wait the seeds legitimately are gone thats fucking weird man or if its just the taproot not being there then id say they just seem to be duds
i put seeds in kitchen roll i then mist them as ive done loads of times before i repeat this 4-5 times a day,this is done in a propagator with a mat to hold moisture and on day 2 they were starting to shoot so thought happy days got these goin cant wait,wrong day 3 went back for a peek an the we shits had gone.i have been doin al sorts for years now this is a first for me and was wandering what anyone thought of said situation,comprendre now?.i know im new in here but im by no means new,75 isnt my age just the year i arrived on this green green earth,may it still stay that way for us all.sorry about the start of this all i was in a panic and trying to get advice asap,by the way when you hold buds like that your not unlucky,anyway any thoughts as im using the right text for everyone to understand would be gratefully received.


the shoots that come out of the seeds disappeared,i dont have a cat,sneaked up on them there an the sour d,an the just bubblegum have came back out to play so ive put them both into jiffy's so ive everything crossed that they continue on their way to my grinder,thanks for all your help,not/only joking il get a few pics up of what ive got on the go when i figger out how to upload the ladies.bye for now:weed:


Well-Known Member
the shoots that come out of the seeds disappeared,i dont have a cat,sneaked up on them there an the sour d,an the just bubblegum have came back out to play so ive put them both into jiffy's so ive everything crossed that they continue on their way to my grinder,thanks for all your help,not/only joking il get a few pics up of what ive got on the go when i figger out how to upload the ladies.bye for now:weed:
lol good news...ok chow for now mr ;-)