Seeds seized at LA customs...


Well-Known Member
So my seeds were seized coming through LA. Used the sports bottle method from attitude seeds and it obviously did not work. The bastards even decided to puncture my bottle with a knife so I can't even use that... LUCKILY I had guaranteed shipping, but is it safe to reorder after seeds have already been seized once?


Well-Known Member
yup. its like a game. they used to give out really cool participation certificates in each package they seized, but now the bastards just send green tape.

i wil say, i bet i see 40-50 chicago seisure threads before i see one out of la.


Well-Known Member
yup. its like a game. they used to give out really cool participation certificates in each package they seized, but now the bastards just send green tape.

i wil say, i bet i see 40-50 chicago seisure threads before i see one out of la.
Yep... I felt lucky when I saw that my package was going through LA but I guess I didn't end up so lucky. For anyone else ordering through attitude, do NOT go with the sports bottle as the way of shipping...


Well-Known Member
Had a big order get nabbed in La from a November order. The tude reshipped it and it came thru no prob but all my freebies were different and some of them I really wanted. OH well. My Christmas order has been in ISC since December 14th. My re ship came and my new xmas promo order is still in ISC LA.


Well-Known Member
Is it true if you get the green tape they write down your address for future house visit's? Just wondering...


Well-Known Member
No, not true...
They have thousands of contraband seized daily at customs, they arent chasing everyone down....


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Make sure your not sending seeds to your place of growth either. Never use your real name or a registered credit card. I have never had any grabbed coming through the Chicago route. NY is where I always see them get grabbed if it happens.


Well-Known Member
In the Seed forum there was a pic and a post of a bowl full of seeds at customs. They said they nabb like a pound a week or something of seeds. They are not knocking on your door for seeds.


Active Member
Man, this would make me nervous as hell. Any government agency knowing about my operations would be enough for me to halt them altogether. This why I don't order anything online and when I buy something weed-oriented I pay cash in person. Maybe I'm just paranoid....


Active Member
Make sure your not sending seeds to your place of growth either. Never use your real name or a registered credit card. I have never had any grabbed coming through the Chicago route. NY is where I always see them get grabbed if it happens.
Trolololololol really?

Don't spread disinformation.

I literally have not seen one NY thread.
If anything, NY has the best rate of seeds coming in unharmed.


Active Member
Man, this would make me nervous as hell. Any government agency knowing about my operations would be enough for me to halt them altogether. This why I don't order anything online and when I buy something weed-oriented I pay cash in person. Maybe I'm just paranoid....
Don't see why people are so paranoid.
Doesn't matter if you're legal or illegal, if the feds want you, they will get you.

I honestly don't see them paying millions of taxpayers money to grab some guy with 10 plants for personal use.
They want the guys growing for profits, shipping across all 50 states, trafficking in large amounts, or selling illegally on the streets, etc.

While it's not advised, I know quite a few people that have been shipping seeds directly to their grow door with legal names, registered credit cards, for years and years and years, without a single visit, phone call, or any trouble.


Active Member
Don't see why people are so paranoid.
Doesn't matter if you're legal or illegal, if the feds want you, they will get you.

I honestly don't see them paying millions of taxpayers money to grab some guy with 10 plants for personal use.
They want the guys growing for profits, shipping across all 50 states, trafficking in large amounts, or selling illegally on the streets, etc.
Sure, but if I know cops they'll go after even a small operation if the opportunity arises. Granted, attitudes are relaxing and weed seems to be falling further down their agenda, but there are always the die hard, conservative, bible-thumping, "letter of the law" types.


Active Member
Sure, but if I know cops they'll go after even a small operation if the opportunity arises. Granted, attitudes are relaxing and weed seems to be falling further down their agenda, but there are always the die hard, conservative, bible-thumping, "letter of the law" types.
You're in aussie so I can see it being a huge problem for you.
Australia has the worst (Best) customs in the world hands down.


Well-Known Member
a lot of people and it seems like an obvious thing to do if I was a fed... not only do I get your beans and sell them VIA my own online shop but I get to raid you and steal you monies...

Maybe I am thinking all crazy and far fetched but I can see the potential to make a KILLING this way


Well-Known Member
You're in aussie so I can see it being a huge problem for you.
Australia has the worst (Best) customs in the world hands down.
Yea, have heard that before, also New Zealand. Am real lucky living in California but even here they will take your seed order and my legal grow is not a certain protection from legal problems.

I have ordered from Attitute, Seed Boutique, Seed Depot, Single Seed Centre and another small bank and no problems cept a money order that would not go thru.

Single Seed Centre had the best stealth imo.

If you get a guaranteed shipping do not get a t-shirt, mug, etc. Just draws the heat.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the mug worked out perfectly for me personally the last few times, I think i'll just continue using that method from now on


Active Member
Make sure your not sending seeds to your place of growth either. Never use your real name or a registered credit card. I have never had any grabbed coming through the Chicago route. NY is where I always see them get grabbed if it happens.
LOL wat?

This is is completely incorrect! All the seized orders have been in Chicago, not NYC.


Well-Known Member
Hi, we're the government! We're here to help!

Fucking Chicago man. This city is so corrupt beyond recognition and yet they choose to focus on seeds in the mail....Nevermind O'Hare having the worst delay times in the country, just focus on the seeds!