

Alright i live in NY and i was thinking about buying some seeds from amsterdam or maybe have a budy of mine in amsterdam send me some seeds but i dont know how to have him package it. What would happen if they find the package and bust me for seeds, and if i get the seeds from my buddy, what would be the best way for him to package it and ship it over here?

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
It's easier to just order them yourself than have him hide them. The seed companies do it everyday and there is little risk involved in having them sent to a non growing address.

I order from but there are plenty of reputable companies that'll sell ya good seeds.


Alright Well i have a buddy that lives in holland, I grew up there so i know a few people there and i was just going to have him ship them over to me because im not 18 yet and dont have a credit card or anything so but im almost 18 a few more months and then i will just take a look if you say its save.
I also ready somewhere that when you use your credit card, the credit card companies sell are your info to the dea and stuff. Well could that mess up when i buy seeds online?

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
you need to edit that post (number 3) before a mod sees it. Read the forum rules. They take that seriously here. Good luck.

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
I also ready somewhere that when you use your credit card, the credit card companies sell are your info to the dea and stuff. Well could that mess up when i buy seeds online?

I doubt that a credit card company from holland would sell info to U.S. DEA but if your that worried buy a prepaid card with cash and it's untraceable. I was nervous as hell at first too but the dea hasn't kicked my door in yet.:leaf:


Alright i will do that, and if you have a american credit card wont the american credit card company sell the info or whatever