

New Member
has anyone ever heard of letting your seeds soak in water under a heat lamp to make the roots begin to come out, I have a problem with this the seeds often just die on me. what is the best way to make a seed sprout?


Well-Known Member
Google and you will find many answers. There are tons of threads on RIU on this. But seeds don't need light.

I am a proponent of the damp paper towel method.


Well-Known Member
Heard of soaking them in water but the heat lamp is a new one on me. Like growindad the damp paper towel method has never let me down

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
put seed in medium (soil, rock-wool, peat plug, etc) with pointy end down......apply water..... place in dark warm environment.......wait until it under light source


Well-Known Member
has anyone ever heard of letting your seeds soak in water under a heat lamp to make the roots begin to come out, I have a problem with this the seeds often just die on me. what is the best way to make a seed sprout?
You know, and this is kind of a crazy idea, but why don't you just plant them in the dirt.
When I'm outside and look at how Mother Nature does things, I can never seem to find the shot glasses, paper towels, or baggies from where Mother Nature sprouted her seeds.
I figure, if it worked for her for all these millions of years, it's probably good enough for me. Very seldom do I have a seed not sprout, and I don't have to do all that fucking around.


Well-Known Member
i germinate seeds of all kinds of plant varieties including cannabis simply by sticking them into soil, wetting the soil, putting it under a light then walking away trusting in nature to do its thing.
other germination methods are more to see if the seed is viable before you plant it then better methods of germinating.


New Member
ok thanks guys, im trying to start me one or two any growin tips for an inside grow? im working on my first plant, I done what u guys said with a papertown and a dark place, it works just fine :D could i put it in a 5 gal bucket half and half with miracale grow and fertalied soil

Any help would be awsome.


Active Member
Here hun-- here are links to everything you need to get started growing-- seed to harvest... not the only way to grow... but basics for a new grower that can get you a decent grow! ;)
And NEVER add fertilizer if using miracle grow soil-- the soil itself is over-nuted, not flushable, and often kills the plants!!!

Basic Growing Guide:

Growers Terms and methods 101



New Member
thanks ladyzandra, but im still a newb, i put the seeds (6 seeds) in to start rooting in the dark, im going to make my own "grow building" and make it airtight, but i got confused on the link u posted, in one part it says make sure no air gets out and in another it says make sure to give it air...

The paper-towel should take on average 2-4 days to pop it's first root. Warm temps.. but not too warm.. help the seeds sprout. I would put them in a 4 inch container to start out to prevent water logging.. As too much water to a young seedling can cause root rot to set in relatively fast. As for the miracle grow... I have no comment.. just don't like the stuff.. But to each their own. And as for a room being airtight/ light tight is good for keeping unwanted pests out and curious eyes seeing light when it should be dark. But fresh air is essential to provide your room with fresh co2 and to help maintain acceptable temperature and humidity levels. If you have even the smallest amount of AC and a supply of co2 and your humidity under control ventilation would then be deemed unnecessary. You should look into maybe acuiring a grow tent. They can be found in various sizes, and would be less to have to figure out being a newb. I recently purchased some 3x3x6.5 tents for around $100 each with shipping. They come light/air tight with plenty of vents and openings easy to assemble alone.

Well I hope this helped a little.
Any questions feel free to ask.
Always here to help!

Happy Growing,



Well-Known Member
also should i put wood ashes in my soil to start it sprouting? for a quicker sprouting process?
Where do people come up with this shit? I know that wood ash can be used in very small quantities for tree fertilizer, but water and wood ash also make lye. Lye is bad, very caustic. It will take at least three months to grow a plant, you can't wait a
couple of days for a seed to sprout?